
Too Many Cooks trend indicator

Mynicknameislion アップデート済   
Too many Cooks in The Kitchen
You have probably heard the adage "Too many cooks spoils the broth" before. The meaning behind it is obviously that when to many people are trying to work on the same task at once it simply devolves into a fight for control and creates a mess of the situation. But is this true for indicators is the question I had and thus I made this indicator, a simple combination of 8 random trend finding indicators I assembled (A list of these indicators and their authors will be available at the bottom of this page). Is it any good though ? In short yes, it is a decent trend finding indicator and could likely be used in your strategy in the place of your current trend finding indicator if you so wish. However much of the versatility of the individual indicators IS lost and would not be possible to get back in this big mess of a broth, so this indicator will not be the be all end all of trend indicators nor will it be a free money machine like you may be expecting looking at the list of included indicators so the adage was correct to a degree.

List of Authors and their included indicators
Trading View defaults:
  • MACD (Modified by me)
  • Stochastic RSI (Modified by me)
Lazy Bear:
  • Wavetrend Oscilator (Modified by me)
  • Traders Dynamic Index (Modified by me)
  • HACOLT (Modified by me)
  • AK Trend
  • Average Force
  • Average Sentiment Osclilator
Added a new trend determining method called trailing, it simply works by charting the current furthest the indicator went in the direction of the indicated trend, and sees if it falls to far from this number, if it does the line color is darkened and it is considered a weak/failing trend. This furthest number is reset when the indicator hits the zero line.

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