JKGFX_ アップデート済   

If you need WATERMARKS for your charts, You can use this indicator.

You can add a preferable title, subtitle, and heading.
if you want to write on a different line, you can use \n.

All the features can be including position, text size, text color, background, etc can be customized to suit your taste.
I have given made a few adjustments to previous script, making it easier to use.

In this update, instead of editing the previous entries, all you have to do is:
* Add the indicator to your screen
* Go to indicator settings.
* Input your preffered title, subtitle and heading respectively.
* Select your preffered text sizes.
* Add Text and Background colours of your choices.
Click save, and you are good to go.
Release Notes:
A few adjustments have been made to the previous script, making it easier to use.

In this update, instead of editing the previous entries, all you have to do is:
* Add the indicator to your screen
* Go to indicator settings.
* Input your preferred title, subtitle, and heading respectively.
* Select your preferred text sizes.
* Add Text and Background colors of your choices.
Click save, and you are good to go.


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