Schaff Trend Cycle

What is STC?
This is an open source indicator but I added a few improvements to its code and a more friendly UI.

The STC indicator is a forward-looking, leading indicator, that generates faster, more accurate signals than earlier indicators, such as the MACD because it considers both time (cycles) and moving averages. Like any chart indicator, the tool is best used with other forms of analysis and its performance will surely vary as market conditions change.

Know more about STC here: Investopedia.

How to Read STC :
1. Main use
--look if momentum is bullish or bearish
--Bullish = Above 75
--Bearish = Below 25
--Neutral = negligible movement inside here
2. If flat at extremes (100 and 0), it means that the momentum is strong
3. Pivots
--To show if there’s a shift of momentum

Access and Documentation:
Message or PM me to know how to get access.

Momentum Indicator (MOM)OscillatorsschaffSchaff Trend Cycle (STC)


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