Trader Set - Signal Helper

This is a signalling helper indicator that combines parts of signalling sections of my methodology. Using the provided two parts, it's easy to identify good signals from false ones.

This helper indicator is developed just to make the trader's life easier to identify if there is a possible signal or not, if there is a signal, he/she would need to check other filters and sections of my methodology for approval of a possible trade.

Please don't contact me for access to the script. It'll will only be available for my students. Right now the English part of the website and learning material is under development, as soon as they are ready, I will announce it under each related script for those who are interested for participating in courses.
Added a Bit of Color Coding to the Bottom Helper (Trend Cycle Helpper) section.
- Added option to choose if the user wants extra filtering based on the cycle indicator for long/short signals separately, the long is off but short is on by default this reduces false short signals during an up trend but won't filter long signals at the start of trend because of cycle indicator's lag.
- Added options to choose if the user wants the trend signalling to be calculated based on 8 bars or not, the default is 6, the user have separate control for up and down trend indication.
- Added five Alert conditions to the tool set
Changed the way cycle filtering works, better filtering of false helping signals but there will be few during the consolidations of the market, will look more and more to see if we can make this tool cleaner as we go forward in time.
Lots of code cleaning and sanity checks for fixing NAN values.
Code cleanup, Final Version.
Changed the base formula for getting the signals, nothing big should happen but i fill more safe. Also, turned off filtering by cycle by default. This script may get another update to use the Ergodic momentum instead of cycle for filtering
Removed the filtering by cycle. User can choose between different options for cycle (Fisher cycle, Ergodic momentum or cycle tool) for manually filtering the signal. This is the final version
buyMoving AveragesrenkoreversalSELLsignalTrend Analysisuniformity


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