LUBEThis is a chart meant for 30m BTCUSD but could be used for many other assets, and there are inputs to play with.
I decided on the strange title "LUBE" because I was measuring how many of the previous 500 bars had the current price level already been in. I wanted to discover when the price was in a new zone or an area that it hadn't spent much time in recently... the LUBE zone.
Think of the blue line as showing you the current level friction. If the blue line is high, price is quagmired and not moving quickly. Price could trend sideways for a while before breaking out. A high blue line is a high traffic zone for trading. When the blue line dips low, it's encountering a price zone the asset has not been observed in recently, and this could mean price could break out and move more freely and quickly when it does. We get a trade entry signal if the blue line dips below the bottom white line. The bottom white line is currently set to -10. Think about the lowest the blue line has been recently as 0, and the highest as 100. It is set by default (for BTCUSD 30m chart) to -10 meaning the blue line has to dip a little (-10%) below the lowest it has experienced recently to initiate a trade. This is the LUBE zone. The bottom white line shows that level. Again this is a level lower than the lowest amount of friction experienced in price action for the last 100 bars, but offset by 5 bars showing where that level was at 5 bars ago. We want to dip below that to initiate a trade.
The direction to trade in is determined by a very quick moving weighted moving average (variable name is "fir") to see if the recent trend is up or down. To end a trade, an arbitrary number between 0 and 100 is picked telling us when we are experiencing enough friction again to end the trade. I have it preset to 50 (think of it as 50/100 or half way between the white bars. At a 50% friction level it's time to get out of the trade.
Some shortcomings are missing the bulk of big moves, and experiencing whipsaws where price action zips up and then comes straight back down. Overall the backtest looks sweet enough to use on 2x leverage, experiencing a 17.78% max drawdown at the time of publishing. I wouldn't push the leverage any higher.
To get alerts change the word "strategy" to "study" and delete lines 60-67.
Bot traders using alerts: beware the alert conditions. If a trade goes directly from long to short (which happens rarely), without closing a trade first, it might not act properly. If you use bots to trade, for "LONG" please close any old trades first before putting in instructions to open a leveraged long. To go "SHORT" please remember to close any old trade first as well, and things *should* work out just fine.
Good luck, have fun, and feel free to mess up and butcher this code to your own liking. I'm not responsible if anything bad that happens to you if you use this trading system, or for any bugs you may encounter.
Fancy Triple Moving Averages [BigBitsIO]This script is for three moving averages with as many features as I can possibly fit into a single moving average.
- Three moving averages (MA1, MA2, MA3).
- Standard MA inputs.
- MA type.
- MA period.
- MA price.
- MA resolution (time frame).
- Visibility toggle.
- MA Candle Type
- Fancy MA inputs.
- Toggle to show only candles included in the MA calculation ("Highlight inclusion") or display entire MA history.
- Toggle to show a ghost trail when Highlight inclusion is toggled on. Displays a shaded version of past MA history before the inclusion period (as seen on snapshot).
- Toggle to show forecast values for the MA.
- Other inputs related to forecasting:
- Forecast bias. (Neutral forecasts MA if the current price remains the same.)
- Forecast period.
- Forecast magnitude.
*** DISCLAIMER: For educational and entertainment purposes only. Nothing in this content should be interpreted as financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any sort of security or investment including all types of crypto. DYOR, TYOB. ***
Auto Adjust To Ideal Pearson's R OscillatorThis is meant to be a partner indicator to "Linear Regression - Auto Adjust To Ideal Pearson's R (Min & Max)" which can be found under my profile on the scripts I have made.
It's important the the ideal Pearsons R + and - ideal ranges are the same as the other script so you can visualize the results better and what is going on. I set them to default to 0.85 for strong confidence levels.
This simply graphs what the Pearsons's R Long Term Trend (Red) and Short Term Trend (Green) are doing. I noticed that they tend to oscillate in predictable ways.
The white line signifies low confidence level in a trend and usually means there is sideways trading going on.
If you are unfamiliar with Pearson's R then below will help:
+ Pearsons R means there is a downtrend
- Pearsons R means there is an uptrend
The closer the value is to 1 the more sure it's a downtrend.
The closer the value is to -1 the more sure it's an uptrend.
For this reason I colored the bottom lines 'green' to indicate buying zones and 'red' for the top lines to indicate potential shorting zones.
If you look at this indicator in replay mode in tandem with my other indicator you will see they work well together to help you identify long term trends.
The default values are 48 and 360 for the minimum allowed length of a trend and maximum length. If you find the script is to slow you can change these but make sure you do it for the values on the other script as well so they line up.
As always the code is open source.
Trend Following MAs 3DHello All,
This is Moving Averages Trend Following 3D indicator. The idea is based on direction of MAs and relation between 20 moving averages (5 to 100 period).
Option to show different type of MAs: EMA, SMA, RMA, WMA, VWMA.
As I haved tested it looks succesful at calculating trend direction and trend strength.
For a better look I tried to make it 3D, it looks good I think, waiting comments ;)
Some screenshots:
By using RMA type:
When it gets tiny it means there is no trend:
An example for down trend:
(JS) Squeeze Pro OverlaysSo this was something I planned on doing in the future, I knew it would take some time to put together but here it is, the Squeeze Pro 2 Overlays.
On my original Squeeze Pro, I had made several overlay indicators to go along with it, this time my goal was to combine all that stuff into a single indicator and allow the user to turn on and off the specific features they'd prefer to use. The version illustrated in the preview has everything turned on. What is "everything"? Here's the breakdown...
First of all - the color schemes in the Squeeze Pro match the color schemes in the Overlays indicator, so you can match them up (Color Scheme 3 in example). There are 6 schemes, option 1 is the original Squeeze colors.
There's also an option to make the light squeeze black, rather than white. This is for people who aren't using Dark Mode. It will flip all white to black, to make your charts better to read!
So there are 4 main overlays that can be switched on and off with this indicator, they include;
1. Early Signal Candles
2. BBMA Basis Line
3. Bollinger Bands/Keltner Channel Breaches
4. Signal Arrows
Early Signal Candles
The Early Signal Candles have two parameters, the entry smoothing period and the exit smoothing period.
There is a different type of early entry signal for each type of squeeze.
Low Squeeze generates white dots on the highs of the candles.
Mid Squeeze generates a lime green candle (or purple candle in color scheme 3).
High Squeeze generates a bigger purple circle on the high of the candle.
These three signals are made to mimic the original Early In/Out Candles from John Carter and represent the same thing (they work the same way).
As for the early exit, that would be determined by the color of the candle vs the color of the squeeze, works the same way as the original as well.
BBMA Basis Line
The BBMA (Bollinger Bands Momentum Average) was a moving average I had made to use with the squeeze on the previous version.
It is the basis line of the BB and KC used to make up the Squeeze (a 20 SMA). There are 4 different colors to it on this version.
1. Orange - This means no squeeze.
2. White/Black - Low Squeeze
3. Red - Mid Squeeze
4. Yellow - High Squeeze
You'll also notice these colors are light and dark in different spots - this is a representation of whether the Bollinger Bands are expanding or contracting. Dark means expanding, light means contracting.
Bollinger Bands/Keltner Channel Breaches
This is a pretty simple feature. If there is an ongoing squeeze, and a candle closes above or below the Bollinger Bands or Keltner Channels, a circle appears at the top or the bottom of the chart telling you which way the channel has been breached.
Signal Arrows
This is what makes up most of the overlay indicator. If you turn it on, the default is set to work just like the original. There are lots of options with this though.
First, you can turn each type of Squeeze Arrow on or off by checking/unchecking the boxes for them.
Now allow me to explain the "Signal Length", as there are several options.
The default is "6 Dots", this generates a signal when a particular type of Squeeze reaches the 6th dot ("12 Dots" works the same way).
"End of Squeeze" generates a signal once a type of Squeeze has concluded.
"End of Early Signal" generates a signal when the early dots (or candle) finishes.
"Custom" allows you to select your own dot duration to produce a signal, you select that number in the field below.
The other portion of this is the "Signal Type", this is where you select how each signal is generated once the selected amount of time takes place.
The default is the same as the original "+/-", this generates a signal based on whether Squeeze momentum is positive or negative.
"Rising/Falling" will only generate a signal if the Squeeze momentum maintains consistently over the last 6 bars.
"Crossed Zero" only generates a signal if the Squeeze momentum crosses above or below the zero line.
"Basis Line Momentum" is based on the BBMA. A signal is generated based on whether the current candle closes above or below the basis line.
"Divergence" only generates a signal if there is a divergence signal present at the time of the signal.
"Current Momentum" generates a signal based simply on the current direction of Squeeze momentum.
"Sum of Change" generates a signal based on the sum of the change in the Squeeze momentum being positive (long) or negative (short) over the length of time you select in the "Sum of Change Length" field.
Then "Combo" tries to take a look at everything and generates a score based on these parameters. Positive score = long, negative = short.
I hope I gave a detailed enough explanation on how everything works, let me know if you have any questions! Hope you like it!
Backward Number of BarsThis indicator was written in order to apply bar limit in strategies and it was published as open code so that everyone can use it. When backtesting with stock market api data, we determine how many bars should be, not from which date the data will be drawn. For example, we can draw 1000 bar data from stock exchange and perform the backtest on this data. You can plan your strategy by checking the number of bars you test with the window () == 1 parameter here while checking through Tradingview to check that the test we performed gives correct results.
Automatic TrendlinesIntroduction
For a full free tutorial explaining this code in more detail, visit the backtest-rookies (.com) website.
This indicator will plot two trend lines at any given time. A resistance trend line and a support trend line. The resistance trend is shown with red circles and is created by joining swing highs together. The second is a support trend which is created by joining swing lows.
Since we need swings to make the trend, the trend line code contains code for the swing detection. You can play around with the swing detection to alter how frequently new trend lines are detected. Relying on swings also means that there will be some delay in trend detection depending on how you configure the swing detection. The higher you set rightbars, the more lag you will have before a trend is detected. However, at the same time the quality of the pivots found will increase. So it is a trade-off you need to come to terms with and decide what the best settings are for you.
A single trend line is made up of several components.
Pivot Points: Marked as blue or orange circles. There will be two pivots per trend.
Orange/Purple Lines: Connecting all pivot points. You will see these lines change direction slightly each time a new pivot is detected (new circles appear).
Green/Red Circle lines: Showing the trend line from the earliest moment a new trend is detected.
Blue Dashed lines: Joining the purple and green/red circle lines so the full trend line can be seen.
Note: The blue dashed lines use pine-scripts drawing functions. As such, there is a limit to how many of these can be placed on a chart. When the limit is reached, the oldest line will be removed so the newest can be drawn. This means that if you detect enough trends and scroll back in time, the blue dashed lines will disappear at some point!
Trend Following Moving AveragesWhile analysing a chart, one of the biggest problem is to see if there is trend or not. While thinking about it, I found the idea to analyse moving averages in channel and their momentum according to channel width. I already published it as Trend Following Bar as you see at bottom of the chart.
How it Works?
On each bar it creates a channel by highest/lowest point of a MA. highest point is upper line and lowest point is lower line of the MA channel,
It gets highest and lowest point of last 300 bars, (say Price Channel )
If the width of MA channel is greater than certain rate of price channel then it decides there is trend
After it decided there is trend, it calculates the rate between channel and MA. Bigger result means stronger trend.
According to rate of MA channel and the price channel , MA Line becomes lighter/darker. so when you look at the MA Line's color you can see the trend strength.
Some details about my idea:
You can choose following MA types as source: EMA, SMA , RMA, WMA , VWMA
"Period to Check Trend" is the period to create MA channel. Bigger period cause more sensitivity.
"Trend Channel Rate %" is rate of price channel . Price channel created by using highest/lowest of last 300 bars. I did this to make the script works on all time frames correctly.
"Use Linear Regression" is used to get rid of noise. it may cause 1-2 bars latency.
Trend Following Bar script:
All comments are welcome!.
Modified OBV w/ Divergence Detection by CryptorhythmsApirine OBV-M Modified OBV w/ MA Selection by Cryptorhythms
Released in the April 2020 issue of TASC, and created by Vitali Apirine.
OBV-M is of course based on the classic indicator on balance volume originally developed by Joe Granville. Apirine then smooths the calculation and adds a signal line to help denote entry and exit points.
As the author points out uts also great at showing divergences!
As usual when porting indicators to the library here on tradingview, I like to add some extra flare!
💠MA selection to allow you to experiment with alternate settings
💠Bar coloration based on trade state for easy visual at a glance chart checking
💠Divergence Detection and plotting thanks for Ricardo Santos' script
👍 We hope you enjoyed this indicator and find it useful! We post free crypto analysis, strategies and indicators regularly. This is our 78th script on Tradingview!
CME Equity Futures Price Limits
Breakers for CME's futures contracts. Should work on CST/EST/UTC charts.
CME says it uses the last 30 seconds of the session to grab a reference price, so I took the open of the last session's candle because it's easier.
Out of session breakers: +/-5%
Limit downs: -7%/-13%/-20%
There are some minor nuances for the later part of the NY session but I don't really care to add that in right now.
- Input a manual reference price to override the selected price for accuracy.
- Show only the current/last session's limits. This breaks the in session limit down lines.
Live prices:
Month codes:
It's best to check the last updated reference price to ensure it's correct.
Delta Volume Candles [LucF]█ OVERVIEW
This indicator plots on-chart volume delta information using candles that can replace your normal candles, tops and bottoms appended to normal candles, optional MAs of those tops and bottoms levels, a divergence channel and a chart background. The indicator calculates volume delta using intrabar analysis, meaning that it uses the lower timeframe bars constituting each chart bar.
Volume Delta
The volume delta concept divides a bar's volume in "up" and "down" volumes. The delta is calculated by subtracting down volume from up volume. Many calculation techniques exist to isolate up and down volume within a bar. The simplest use the polarity of interbar price changes to assign their volume to up or down slots, e.g., On Balance Volume or the Klinger Oscillator . Others such as Chaikin Money Flow use assumptions based on a bar's OHLC values. The most precise calculation method uses tick data and assigns the volume of each tick to the up or down slot depending on whether the transaction occurs at the bid or ask price. While this technique is ideal, it requires huge amounts of data on historical bars, which considerably limits the historical depth of charts and the number of symbols for which tick data is available. Furthermore, historical tick data is not yet available on TradingView.
This indicator uses intrabar analysis to achieve a compromise between the simplest and most precise methods of calculating volume delta. It is currently the most precise method usable on TradingView charts. TradingView's Volume Profile built-in indicators use it, as do the CVD - Cumulative Volume Delta Candles and CVD - Cumulative Volume Delta (Chart) indicators published from the TradingView account . My Delta Volume Channels and Volume Delta Columns Pro indicators also use intrabar analysis. Other volume delta indicators such as my Realtime 5D Profile use realtime chart updates to calculate volume delta without intrabar analysis, but that type of indicator only works in real time; they cannot calculate on historical bars.
This is the logic I use to determine the polarity of intrabars, which determines the up or down slot where its volume is added:
• If the intrabar's open and close values are different, their relative position is used.
• If the intrabar's open and close values are the same, the difference between the intrabar's close and the previous intrabar's close is used.
• As a last resort, when there is no movement during an intrabar, and it closes at the same price as the previous intrabar, the last known polarity is used.
Once all intrabars making up a chart bar have been analyzed and the up or down property of each intrabar's volume determined, the up volumes are added, and the down volumes subtracted. The resulting value is volume delta for that chart bar, which can be used as an estimate of the buying/selling pressure on an instrument. Not all markets have volume information. Without it, this indicator is useless.
Intrabar analysis
Intrabars are chart bars at a lower timeframe than the chart's. The timeframe used to access intrabars determines the number of intrabars accessible for each chart bar. On a 1H chart, each chart bar of an active market will, for example, usually contain 60 bars at the lower timeframe of 1min, provided there was market activity during each minute of the hour.
This indicator automatically calculates an appropriate lower timeframe using the chart's timeframe and the settings you use in the script's "Intrabars" section of the inputs. As it can access lower timeframes as small as seconds when available, the indicator can be used on charts at relatively small timeframes such as 1min, provided the market is active enough to produce bars at second timeframes.
The quantity of intrabars analyzed in each chart bar determines:
• The precision of calculations (more intrabars yield more precise results).
• The chart coverage of calculations (there is a 100K limit to the quantity of intrabars that can be analyzed on any chart,
so the more intrabars you analyze per chart bar, the less chart bars can be calculated by the indicator).
The information box displayed at the bottom right of the chart shows the lower timeframe used for intrabars, as well as the average number of intrabars detected for chart bars and statistics on chart coverage.
This indicator calculates five balances from volume delta values. The balances are oscillators with a zero centerline; positive values are bullish, and negative values are bearish. It is important to understand the balances as they can be used to:
• Color candle bodies.
• Calculate body and top and bottom divergences.
• Color an EMA channel.
• Color the chart's background.
• Configure markers and alerts.
The five balances are:
1 — Bar Balance : This is the only balance using instant values; it is simply the subtraction of the down volume from the up volume on the bar, so the instant volume delta for that bar.
2 — Average Balance : Calculates a distinct EMA for both the up and down volumes, and subtracts the down EMA from the up EMA.
The result is akin to MACD's histogram because it is the subtraction of two moving averages.
3 — Momentum Balance : Starts by calculating, separately for both up and down volumes, the difference between the same EMAs used in "Average Balance" and
an SMA of twice the period used for the "Average Balance" EMAs. The difference for the up side is subtracted from the difference for the down side,
and an RSI of that value is calculated and brought over the −50/+50 scale.
4 — Relative Balance : The reference values used in the calculation are the up and down EMAs used in the "Average Balance".
From those, we calculate two intermediate values using how much the instant up and down volumes on the bar exceed their respective EMA — but with a twist.
If the bar's up volume does not exceed the EMA of up volume, a zero value is used. The same goes for the down volume with the EMA of down volume.
Once we have our two intermediate values for the up and down volumes exceeding their respective MA, we subtract them. The final value is an ALMA of that subtraction.
The rationale behind using zero values when the bar's up/down volume does not exceed its EMA is to only take into account the more significant volume.
If both instant volume values exceed their MA, then the difference between the two is the signal's value.
The signal is called "relative" because the intermediate values are the difference between the instant up/down volumes and their respective MA.
This balance flatlines when the bar's up/down volumes do not exceed their EMAs, which makes it useful to spot areas where trader interest dwindles, such as consolidations.
The smaller the period of the final value's ALMA, the more easily it will flatline. These flat zones should be considered no-trade zones.
5 — Percent Balance : This balance is the ALMA of the ratio of the "Bar Balance" over the total volume for that bar.
From the balances and marker conditions, two more values are calculated:
1 — Marker Bias : This sums the up/down (+1/‒1) occurrences of the markers 1 to 4 over a period you define, so it ranges from −4 to +4, times the period.
Its calculation will depend on the modes used to calculate markers 3 and 4.
2 — Combined Balances : This is the sum of the bull/bear (+1/−1) states of each of the five balances, so it ranges from −5 to +5.
The periods for all of these balances can be configured in the "Periods" section at the bottom of the script's inputs. As you cannot see the balances on the chart, you can use my Volume Delta Columns Pro indicator in a pane; it can plot the same balances, so you will be able to analyze them.
In the context of this indicator, a divergence is any bar where the bear/bull state of a balance (above/below its zero centerline) diverges from the polarity of a chart bar. No directional bias is assigned to divergences when they occur. Candle bodies and tops/bottoms can each be colored differently on divergences detected from distinct balances.
Divergence Channel
The divergence channel is the space between two levels (by default, the bar's open and close ) saved when divergences occur. When price (by default the close ) has breached a channel and a new divergence occurs, a new channel is created. Until that new channel is breached, bars where additional divergences occur will expand the channel's levels if the bar's price points are outside the channel.
Prices breaches of the divergence channel will change its state. Divergence channels can be in one of three different states:
• Bull (green): Price has breached the channel to the upside.
• Bear (red): Price has breached the channel to the downside.
• Neutral (gray): The channel has not yet been breached.
I do not make videos to explain how to use my indicators. I do, however, try hard to include in their description everything one needs to understand what they do. From there, it's up to you to explore and figure out if they can be useful in your trading practice. Communicating in videos what this description and the script's tooltips contain would make for very long videos that would likely exceed the attention span of most people who find this description too long. There is no quick way to understand an indicator such as this one because it uses many different concepts and has quite a bit of settings one can use to modify its visuals and behavior — thus how one uses it. I will happily answer questions on the inner workings of the indicator, but I do not answer questions like "How do I trade using this indicator?" A useful answer to that question would require an in-depth analysis of who you are, your trading methodology and objectives, which I do not have time for. I do not teach trading.
Start by loading the indicator on an active chart containing volume information. See here if you need help.
The default configuration displays:
• Normal candles where the bodies are only colored if the bar's volume has increased since the last bar.
If you want to use this indicator's candles, you may want to disable your chart's candles by clicking the eye icon to the right of the symbol's name in the top left of the chart.
• A top or bottom appended to the normal candles. It represents the difference between up and down volume for that bar
and is positioned at the top or bottom, depending on its polarity. If up volume is greater than down volume, a top is displayed. If down volume is greater, a bottom is plotted.
The size of tops and bottoms is determined by calculating a factor which is the proportion of volume delta over the bar's total volume.
That factor is then used to calculate the top or bottom size relative to a baseline of the average candle body size of the last 100 bars.
• An information box in the bottom right displaying intrabar and chart coverage information.
• A light red background when the intrabar volume differs from the chart's volume by more than 1%.
The script's inputs contain tooltips explaining most of the fields. I will not repeat them here. Following is a brief description of each section of the indicator's inputs which will give you an idea of what the indicator can do:
Normal Candles is where you configure the replacement candles plotted by the script. You can choose from different coloring schemes for their bodies and specify a unique color for bodies where a divergence calculated using the method you choose occurs.
Volume Tops & Botttoms is where you configure the display of tops and bottoms, and their EMAs. The EMAs are calculated from the high point of tops and the low point of bottoms. They can act as a channel to evaluate price, and you can choose to color the channel using a gradient reflecting the advances/declines in the balance of your choice.
Divergence Channel is where you set up the appearance and behavior of the divergence channel. These areas represent levels where price and volume delta information do not converge. They can be interpreted as regions with no clear direction from where one will look for breaches. You can configure the channel to take into account one or both types of divergences you have configured for candle bodies and tops/bottoms.
Background allows you to configure a gradient background color that reflects the advances/declines in the balance of your choice. You can use this to provide context to the volume delta values from bars. You can also control the background color displayed on volume discrepancies between the intrabar and the chart's timeframe.
Intrabars is where you choose the calculation mode determining the lower timeframe used to access intrabars. The indicator uses the chart's timeframe and the type of market you are on to calculate the lower timeframe. Your setting there should reflect which compromise you prefer between the precision of calculations and chart coverage. This is also where you control the display of the information box in the lower right corner of the chart.
Markers allows you to control the plotting of chart markers on different conditions. Their configuration determines when alerts generated from the indicator will fire. Note that in order to generate alerts from this script, they must be created from your chart. See this Help Center page to learn how. Only the last 500 markers will be visible on the chart, but this will not affect the generation of alerts.
Periods is where you configure the periods for the balances and the EMAs used in the indicator.
The raw values calculated by this script can be inspected using the Data Window.
Rightly or wrongly, volume delta is considered by many a useful complement to the interpretation of price action. I use it extensively in an attempt to find convergence between my read of volume delta and price movement — not so much as a predictor of future price movement. No system or person can predict the future. Accordingly, I consider people who speak or act as if they know the future with certainty to be dangerous to themselves and others; they are charlatans, imprudent or blissfully ignorant.
I try to avoid elaborate volume delta interpretation schemes involving too many variables and prefer to keep things simple:
• Trends that have more chances of continuing should be accompanied by VD of the same polarity.
In trends, I am looking for "slow and steady". I work from the assumption that traders and systems often overreact, which translates into unproductive volatility.
Wild trends are more susceptible to overreactions.
• I prefer steady VD values over wildly increasing ones, as large VD increases often come with increased price volatility, which can backfire.
Large VD values caused by stopping volume will also often occur on trend reversals with abnormally high candles.
• Prices escaping divergence channels may be leading a trend in that direction, although there is no telling how long that trend will last; could be just a few bars or hundreds.
When price is in a channel, shifts in VD balances can sometimes give us an idea of the direction where price has the most chance of breaking.
• Dwindling VD will often indicate trend exhaustion and predate reversals by many bars, but the problem is that mere pauses in a trend will often produce the same behavior in VD.
I think it is too perilous to infer rigidly from VD decreases.
Divergence Channel
Here I have configured the divergence channels to be visible. First, I set the bodies to display divergences on the default Bar Balance. They are indicated by yellow bodies. Then I activated the divergence channels by choosing to draw levels on body divergences and checked the "Fill" checkbox to fill the channel with the same color as the levels. The divergence channel is best understood as a direction-less area from where a breach can be acted on if other variables converge with the breach's direction:
Tops and Bottoms EMAs
I find these EMAs rather interesting. They have no equivalent elsewhere, as they are calculated from the top and bottom values this indicator plots. The only similarity they have with volume-weighted MAs, including VWAP, is that they use price and volume. This indicator's Tops and Bottoms EMAs, however, use the price and volume delta. While the channel differs from other channels in how it is calculated, it can be used like others, as a baseline from which to evaluate price movement or, alternatively, as stop levels. Remember that you can change the period used for the EMAs in the "Periods" section of the inputs.
This chart shows the EMAs in action, filled with a gradient representing the advances/decline from the Momentum balance. Notice the anomaly in the chart's latest bars where the Momentum balance gradient has been indicating a bullish bias for some time, during which price was mostly below the EMAs. Price has just broken above the channel on positive VD. My interpretation of this situation would be that it is a risky opportunity for a long trade in the larger context where the market has been in a downtrend since the 5th. Intrepid traders choosing to enter here could do so with a "make or break" tight stop that will minimize their losses should the market continue its downtrend while hopefully preserving the potential upside of price continuing on the longer-term uptrend prevalent since the 28th:
If you use indicators such as this one which depends on volume information, it is important to realize that the volume data they consume comes from data feeds, and that all data feeds are NOT created equally. Those who create the data feeds we use must make decisions concerning the nature of the transactions they tally and the way they are tallied in each feed, and these decisions affect the nature of our volume data. My Volume X-ray publication discusses some of the reasons why volume information from different timeframes, brokers/exchanges or sectors may vary considerably. I encourage you to read it. This indicator's display of a warning through a background color on volume discrepancies between the timeframe used to access intrabars and the chart's timeframe is an attempt to help you realize these variations in feeds. Don't take things for granted, and understand that the quality of a given feed's volume information affects the quality of the results this indicator calculates.
Markets as ecosystems
I believe it is perilous to think that behavioral patterns you discover in one market through the lens of this or any other indicator will necessarily port to other markets. While this may sometimes be the case, it will often not. Why is that? Because each market is its own ecosystem. As cities do, all markets share some common characteristics, but they also all have their idiosyncrasies. A proportion of a city's inhabitants is always composed of outsiders who come and go, but a core population of regulars and systems is usually the force that actually defines most of the city's observable characteristics. I believe markets work somewhat the same way; they may look the same, but if you live there for a while and pay attention, you will notice the idiosyncrasies. Some things that work in some markets will, accordingly, not work in others. Please keep that in mind when you draw conclusions.
On Up/Down or Buy/Sell Volume
Buying or selling volume are misnomers, as every unit of volume transacted is both bought and sold by two different traders. While this does not keep me from using the terms, there is no such thing as “buy only” or “sell only” volume. Trader lingo is riddled with peculiarities. Without access to order book information, traders work with the assumption that when price moves up during a bar, there was more buying pressure than selling pressure, just as when buy market orders take out limit ask orders in the order book at successively higher levels. The built-in volume indicator available on TradingView uses this logic to color the volume columns green or red. While this script’s calculations are more precise because it analyses intrabars to calculate its information, it uses pretty much the same imperfect logic. Until Pine scripts can have access to how much volume was transacted at the bid/ask prices, our volume delta calculations will remain a mere proxy.
• The values calculated on the realtime bar will update as new information comes from the feed.
• Historical values may recalculate if the historical feed is updated or when calculations start from a new point in history.
• Markers and alerts will not repaint as they only occur on a bar's close. Keep this in mind when viewing markers on historical bars,
where one could understandably and incorrectly assume they appear at the bar's open.
To learn more about repainting, see the Pine Script™ User Manual's page on the subject .
In "The Bed of Procrustes", Nassim Nicholas Taleb writes: To bankrupt a fool, give him information . This indicator can display a lot of information. The inevitable adaptation period you will need to figure out how to use it should help you eliminate all the visuals you do not need. The more you eliminate, the easier it will be to focus on those that are the most useful to your trading practice. Don't be a fool.
Thanks to alexgrover for his Dekidaka-Ashi indicator. His volume plots on candles were the inspiration for my top/bottom plots.
Kudos to PineCoders for their libraries. I use two of them in this script: Time and lower_tf .
The first versions of this script used functionality that I would not have known about were it not for these two guys:
— A guy called Kuan who commented on a Backtest Rookies presentation of their Volume Profile indicator.
— theheirophant , my partner in the exploration of the sometimes weird abysses of ’s behavior at lower timeframes.
Volume Profile [Makit0]VOLUME PROFILE INDICATOR v0.5 beta
Volume Profile is suitable for day and swing trading on stock and futures markets, is a volume based indicator that gives you 6 key values for each session: POC, VAH, VAL, profile HIGH, LOW and MID levels. This project was born on the idea of plotting the RTH sessions Value Areas for /ES in an automated way, but you can select between 3 different sessions: RTH, GLOBEX and FULL sessions.
Some basic concepts:
- Volume Profile calculates the total volume for the session at each price level and give us market generated information about what price and range of prices are the most traded (where the value is)
- Value Area (VA): range of prices where 70% of the session volume is traded
- Value Area High (VAH): highest price within VA
- Value Area Low (VAL): lowest price within VA
- Point of Control (POC): the most traded price of the session (with the most volume)
- Session HIGH, LOW and MID levels are also important
There are a huge amount of things to know of Market Profile and Auction Theory like types of days, types of openings, relationships between value areas and openings... for those interested Jim Dalton's work is the way to come
I'm in my 2nd trading year and my goal for this year is learning to daytrade the futures markets thru the lens of Market Profile
For info on Volume Profile: TV Volume Profile wiki page at
For info on Market Profile and Market Auction Theory: Jim Dalton's book Mind over markets (this is a MUST)
BE AWARE: this indicator is based on the current chart's time interval and it only plots on 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15 and 30 minutes charts.
This is the correlation table TV uses in the Volume Profile Session Volume indicator (from the wiki above)
Chart Indicator
1 - 5 1
6 - 15 5
16 - 30 10
31 - 60 15
61 - 120 30
121 - 1D 60
This indicator doesn't follow that correlation, it doesn't get the volume data from a lower timeframe, it gets the data from the current chart resolution.
- 6 key values for each session: POC (solid yellow), VAH (solid red), VAL (solid green), profile HIGH (dashed silver), LOW (dashed silver) and MID (dotted silver) levels
- 3 sessions to choose for: RTH, GLOBEX and FULL
- select the numbers of sessions to plot by adding 12 hours periods back in time
- show/hide POC
- show/hide VAH & VAL
- show/hide session HIGH, LOW & MID levels
- highlight the periods of time out of the session (silver)
- extend the plotted lines all the way to the right, be careful this can turn the chart unreadable if there are a lot of sessions and lines plotted
- Session: select between RTH (8:30 to 15:15 CT), GLOBEX (17:00 to 8:30 CT) and FULL (17:00 to 15:15 CT) sessions. RTH by default
- Last 12 hour periods to show: select the deph of the study by adding periods, for example, 60 periods are 30 natural days and around 22 trading days. 1 period by default
- Show POC (Point of Control): show/hide POC line. true by default
- Show VA (Value Area High & Low): show/hide VAH & VAL lines. true by default
- Show Range (Session High, Low & Mid): show/hide session HIGH, LOW & MID lines. true by default
- Highlight out of session: show/hide a silver shadow over the non session periods. true by default
- Extension: Extend all the plotted lines to the right. false by default
- By default this indicator plots all the levels for the last RTH session within the last 12 hours, if there is no plot try to adjust the 12 hours periods until the seesion and the periods match
- For Globex/Full sessions just select what you want from the dropdown menu and adjust the periods to plot the values
- Show or hide the levels you want with the 3 groups: POC line, VA lines and Session Range lines
- The highlight and extension options are for a better visibility of the levels as POC or VAH/VAL
@watsonexchange for all the help, ideas and insights on this and the last two indicators (Market Delta & Market Internals) I'm working on my way to a 'clean chart' but for me it's not an easy path
@PineCoders for all the amazing stuff they do and all the help and tools they provide, in special the Script-Stopwatch at that was key in lowering this indicator's execution time
All the TV and Pine community, open source and shared knowledge are indeed the best way to help each other
IF YOU REALLY LIKE THIS WORK, please send me a comment or a private message and TELL ME WHAT you trade, HOW you trade it and your FAVOURITE SETUP for pulling out money from the market in a consistent basis, I'm learning to trade (this is my 2nd year) and I need all the help I can get
Vicious Mortgage Rates V1.0A script that contains real time mortgage rates from Wells Fargo using the QUANDL data link.
Use this lower indicator with US10Y or others on the top.
VIX will be added as well to help inform and predict.
List of Available Mortgage Interest Rates including APR or IR (Interest Rate)
*NOTE* : Not all indicators are up and running yet but will be very soon.
Purchase Rate Conforming Loan 30-Year Fixed Rate Interest Rate|PR_CON_30YFIXED_IR
Purchase Rate Conforming Loan 30-Year Fixed Rate APR|PR_CON_30YFIXED_APR
Purchase Rate Government Loan 30-Year Fixed-Rate FHA Interest Rate|PR_GOV_30YFIXEDFHA_IR
Purchase Rate Government Loan 30-Year Fixed-Rate FHA APR|PR_GOV_30YFIXEDFHA_APR
Purchase Rate Conforming Loan 15-Year Fixed Rate Interest Rate|PR_CON_15YFIXED_IR
Purchase Rate Conforming Loan 15-Year Fixed Rate APR|PR_CON_15YFIXED_APR
*Purchase Rate Conforming Loan 7/1 ARM Interest Rate|PR_CON_71ARM_IR
*Purchase Rate Conforming Loan 7/1 ARM APR|PR_CON_71ARM_APR
*Purchase Rate Conforming Loan 5/1 ARM FHA Interest Rate|PR_CON_51ARM_IR
*Purchase Rate Conforming Loan 5/1 ARM FHA APR|PR_CON_51ARM_APR
Purchase Rate Government Loan 5/1 ARM FHA Interest Rate|PR_GOV_51ARMFHA_IR
Purchase Rate Government Loan 5/1 ARM FHA APR|PR_GOV_51ARMFHA_APR
Purchase Rate Larger Loan Amounts in Eligible Areas (Conforming Loan) 30-Year Fixed Rate Interest Rate|PR_LARGERCON_30YFIXED_IR
Purchase Rate Larger Loan Amounts in Eligible Areas (Conforming Loan) 30-Year Fixed Rate APR|PR_LARGERCON_30YFIXED_APR
Purchase Rate Larger Loan Amounts in Eligible Areas (Government Loan) 30-Year Fixed-Rate FHA Interest Rate|PR_LARGERGOV_30YFIXEDFHA_IR
Purchase Rate Larger Loan Amounts in Eligible Areas (Government Loan) 30-Year Fixed-Rate FHA APR|PR_LARGERGOV_30YFIXEDFHA_APR
Purchase Rate Larger Loan Amounts in Eligible Areas (Conforming Loan) 7/1 ARM Interest Rate|PR_LARGERCON_71ARM_IR
Purchase Rate Larger Loan Amounts in Eligible Areas (Conforming Loan) 7/1 ARM APR|PR_LARGERCON_71ARM_APR
Purchase Rate Jumbo Loan (Amounts that exceed conforming loan limits) 30-Year Fixed Rate Interest Rate|PR_JUMBO_30YFIXED_IR
Purchase Rate Jumbo Loan (Amounts that exceed conforming loan limits) 30-Year Fixed Rate APR|PR_JUMBO_30YFIXED_APR
Purchase Rate Jumbo Loan (Amounts that exceed conforming loan limits) 7/1 ARM Interest Rate|PR_JUMBO_71ARM_IR
Purchase Rate Jumbo Loan (Amounts that exceed conforming loan limits) 7/1 ARM APR|PR_JUMBO_71ARM_APR
Refinance Rate Conforming Loan 30-Year Fixed Rate Interest Rate|RR_CON_30YFIXED_IR
Refinance Rate Conforming Loan 30-Year Fixed Rate APR|RR_CON_30YFIXED_APR
Refinance Rate Government Loan 30-Year Fixed-Rate FHA Interest Rate|RR_GOV_30YFIXEDFHA_IR
Refinance Rate Government Loan 30-Year Fixed-Rate FHA APR|RR_GOV_30YFIXEDFHA_APR
Refinance Rate Conforming Loan 15-Year Fixed Rate Interest Rate|RR_CON_15YFIXED_IR
Refinance Rate Conforming Loan 15-Year Fixed Rate APR|RR_CON_15YFIXED_APR
*Refinance Rate Conforming Loan 7/1 ARM Interest Rate|RR_CON_71ARM_IR
*Refinance Rate Conforming Loan 7/1 ARM APR|RR_CON_71ARM_APR
*Refinance Rate Conforming Loan 5/1 ARM Interest Rate|PR_CON_51ARM_IR
*Refinance Rate Conforming Loan 5/1 ARM APR|PR_CON_51ARM_APR
Refinance Rate Government Loan 5/1 ARM FHA Interest Rate|RR_GOV_51ARMFHA_IR
Refinance Rate Government Loan 5/1 ARM FHA APR|RR_GOV_51ARMFHA_APR
Refinance Rate Larger Loan Amounts in Eligible Areas (Conforming Loan) 30-Year Fixed Rate Interest Rate|RR_LARGERCON_30YFIXED_IR
Refinance Rate Larger Loan Amounts in Eligible Areas (Conforming Loan) 30-Year Fixed Rate APR|RR_LARGERCON_30YFIXED_APR
Refinance Rate Larger Loan Amounts in Eligible Areas (Government Loan) 30-Year Fixed-Rate FHA Interest Rate|RR_LARGERGOV_30YFIXEDFHA_IR
Refinance Rate Larger Loan Amounts in Eligible Areas (Government Loan) 30-Year Fixed-Rate FHA APR|RR_LARGERGOV_30YFIXEDFHA_APR
Refinance Rate Larger Loan Amounts in Eligible Areas (Conforming Loan) 7/1 ARM Interest Rate|RR_LARGERCON_71ARM_IR
Refinance Rate Larger Loan Amounts in Eligible Areas (Conforming Loan) 7/1 ARM APR|RR_LARGERCON_71ARM_APR
Refinance Rate Jumbo Loan (Amounts that exceed conforming loan limits) 30-Year Fixed Rate Interest Rate|RR_JUMBO_30YFIXED_IR
Refinance Rate Jumbo Loan (Amounts that exceed conforming loan limits) 30-Year Fixed Rate APR|RR_JUMBO_30YFIXED_APR
Refinance Rate Jumbo Loan (Amounts that exceed conforming loan limits) 7/1 ARM Interest Rate|RR_JUMBO_71ARM_IR
Refinance Rate Jumbo Loan (Amounts that exceed conforming loan limits) 7/1 ARM APR|RR_JUMBO_71ARM_APR
Feature to be Added:
Uhl MA Crossover SystemToday proposed indicator is based on the corrected moving average, an indicator originally proposed by Andreas Uhl professor at Salzburg University. This moving average is not the most well known, which is a pity since its design is extremely elegant.
The corrected moving average (CMA) is an adaptive moving average based on exponential averaging and aim to correct common problems of classical moving averages such as crosses occurring during sideway markets, more details will be introduced in the calculation section. The CMA aim to act as a slow moving average in a moving average crossover system.
Here a new fast adaptive moving average named corrected trend step (CTS) based on the CMA is introduced in order to provide a full moving average crossover system based on A. Uhl design.
To Andreas Uhl
Calculation And Understanding The CTS
Even if the code is quite compact, the original idea behind the CMA can be blurry for some users, however it is actually relatively simple to understand. The CMA is based on exponential averaging and a smoothing variable is therefore required, in the CMA the calculation of the smoothing variable is based on the squared distance between the precedent CMA output and a simple moving average, and the rolling variance, where the rolling variance act as threshold.
The CTS work the same way but instead of using the squared error between a simple moving average and the previous CMA output, we use the squared error between the closing price and the previous CTS output, this allow the CTS to better fit with the closing price. As said before the rolling variance act as threshold, if the squared error is lower than the rolling variance this mean that the CTS is close to the price, which can indicate a sideway market, therefore we should filter the entirety of the current price, therefore on sideways market the CTS is equal to the precedent value of the CTS.
In trending/volatile markets we expect the price to go away from the CTS, thus having an high squared error, if the squared error is greater than the rolling variance, the smoothing variable is equal to 1 - variance/squared error , here variance/squared error < 1 since the squared error is greater than the rolling variance ( remember that the smoothing variable need to be in a (0,1) range ), however if the squared error is way higher than variance this ratio will be small, which would return a non reactive output, but thats not what we want ! This is why we subtract 1 by this ratio in order to make the CTS more reactive instead of less reactive.
In case the squared error is greater than the rolling variance during sideway markets we would not expect a huge difference anyway, that is squared error ≈ variance and therefore:
1 - variance/squared error ≈ 1 - 1/1 ≈ 1 - 1 ≈ 0
This is a beautiful way to make an adaptive moving average, the CMA is not a flashy indicator, but when we look at the details behind the design we can only get amazed, or maybe that its just me, truly a great adaptive moving average.
The System
length control the filtering amount of both moving averages, with higher values of length returning larger filtering amount. Mult multiply the rolling variance by an user selected value, this also allow a greater amount of filtering.
The CTS act as a fast moving average while the CMA act as a slow moving average.
Here the indicator with length = 200, we can see how a sideway market who could have generated a large amount of signals don't affect our system.
Unlike classical crossovers systems where the slow moving average will rarely produce a cross with the fast moving average and price at the same time, the Uhl system can actually do that:
A moving average crossover system based on the corrected moving average proposed by Andreas Uhl has been presented, a new moving average that aim to produce good fits with the price has been created especially for this system. The logic behind the CMA has also been explained. A possible strategy analysis could be presented in the future.
In conclusion i would say the CMA is a bit underrated, in a field where arrows, signals, alerts are the only things appreciated by peoples, original content is slowly dying, this actually make today technical indicators have a pretty bad academic reputations. I'am afraid that today haiku master is Uhl rather than me, i hope to see more indicators from him in the future.
Thanks for reading !
Original paper:
VQZL Z-ScoreVolatility Qaulity Zero Line attempts to keep a trader out of ranging markets, but the original calculation on TradingView had to be adjusted for each instrument. To avoid this issue, I have applied a z-score calculation to the VQZL so the result is standardized for all instruments. A Z-Score is simply a value's relationship to the mean (average) of a group of values, measured in terms of standard deviations from the mean.
This calculation allows us to compare current volatility to the mean (moving average) of the population (Z-Length). The closer the VQZL Z-Score is to the mean, the closer it will be to the Zero Line and therefore price is likely consolidating and choppy. The farther VQZL Z-Score is from the mean, the more likely price is trending.
The MA Mode determines the Moving Average used to calculate VQZL itself. The Z-Score is ALWAYS calculated with a simple moving average (as that is the standard calculation for Z-Score).
The Threshold Levels are the levels at which VQZL Z-Score will change from gray to yellow, orange, green (bullish), or red (bearish). These levels can be adjusted but you should adjust the Threshold Lines as well (in the style section), so they line up with your adjusted values.
Statistically speaking, confidence levels in relation to Z-Score are noted below. The built in Threshold Levels are the positive and negative values for 90%, 95%, and 99%. This would indicate when volatility is greater than these values they are out of the ordinary from the standard range. You may wish to adjust these levels for VQZL Z-Score to be more responsive to your trading need
80% :: 1.28
85% :: 1.44
90% :: 1.64
95% :: 1.96
99% :: 2.58
As always, trade at your own risk.
VQZL Created by Investo And Adapted From @sarangab
Multiple MA Options Credits to @Fractured
Bits and Pieces from @AlexGrover and @Montyjus
RedK_Directional Index / K xDMIHere's a modern take on the famous DMI/ADX. i first wrote this on another platform few years ago, so i'm happy to be able to share it on TradingView
quick refresher: what does DMI/ADX tell us:
in simple terms, at the core of this indicator, there are 3 main calculations / lines: the Plus Directional Index ( +DI ) which represents how much the bulls are able to push the high of a bar compared to previous one, the Minus Directional Index ( -DI ), showing how much the bears are able to push the low of a bar from previous one, then the Average Directional index ( ADX ) line, which creates an oscillator of the +DI and -DI to represent the strength of a trend -- usually the lines will be colored accordingly (bulls = green, bears = red, and any different color for the ADX )
Similar to my version of the RSI , we take a classic concept, then use the computing and visualization "super powers" available to us today, to extend and improve on what those masters created in the past. I guess they sort of expected us to do exactly that :)
this "extended" version of DMI/ADX provides couple of highly needed features (in my opinion) -- let's explore:
trying as much as possible to avoid jargon - pls forgive me if i failed in some places.
1 - the big change: the ability to visualize the ADX in a way that makes some more sense.
- the original calculation restricted the ADX to oscillate below zero - i'm sure they had a good reason to build it that way in the past - but to me, it becomes super hard to interpret what the ADX line means, especially when a negative trend (the bears) take over. by removing that restriction and allowing the ADX to oscillate up or down (and we're free to do that, so the indicator shows *us* what *we need* to see), we end up with an improved representation of the trend and the trend strength.
- also the original calculation applies a moving average (default 14 bars) of a moving average (another 14 of the Directional Indexes, which represent the strength of bulls vs bears) to calculate the ADX - that makes the ADX very "removed" from the base price values - i change that, and just smooth the initial +Di / -Di then calculate the ADX from there. again, this shows me the outcome of the (relatively) immediate moves.
2 - i use weighted average WMA () in all my averaging calculations .. i believe this type of average is the best to express the importance of recent days / bars vs the ones further in the past, compared to other averaging techniques
3 - ability to make the DMI volume-weighted .. but contrary to my RSI , this is not set by default.
4 - couple of options to view the unrestricted ADX (as an area or as histogram/columns .. which i call Vertical Bars) for improved visualization
other stuff:
5 - a "step" option for the ADX .. you can set the step option to an increment of, say 5 or 10. this is in case you prefer to see the trend more in "quality" terms - so the equivalent of weak, medium, strong, v. strong...etc -- since in reality, a number like 47.7683 doesn't really mean anything specific
6 - optional "strong trend" adjustable level
Settings & usage suggestion:
i prefer to use the defaults (length = 7, smoothing = 3, ..etc) -- i believe these are more suitable to the much faster trading that we have now. you can review the comparison chart and see if this works for you, and adjust as you need.
from a "signal" standpoint, you can use the xDMI as you use the classic DMI/ADX, bulls (or bears) are in control when the corresponding DI line crosses the other going up, *AND* moving above the "strong trend" level that you can set as an extra filter (usually a value between 20 to 30), while ADX will show the quality/strength of the trend.
i suggest you also utilize this indicator with other trend / momentum confirmation methods, and additional analysis and not in isolation - as well as inspecting the prevailing / longer time frame to ensure you're acting in the direction of the broader move / trend.
the above chart includes a side-by-side comparison between our new xDMI with the classic DMI/ADX using the same settings - then we add at the bottom panel also the xDMI, but with my default (faster) settings and showing other visualization options that can be utilized - the Moving Averages on the top / price panel is just to help put the price movement into perspective in terms of trend and trend strength.
The code is open and commented - please feel free to use, share, comment & provide feedback. if you're a DMI fan, and you find this useful in your trading, i would be more than happy to hear about it
Good luck!
Dekidaka-Ashi - Candles And Volume Teaming Up (Again)The introduction of candlestick methods for market price data visualization might be one of the most important events in the history of technical analysis, as it totally changed the way to see a trading chart. Candlestick charts are extremely efficient, as they allow the trader to visualize the opening, high, low and closing price (OHLC) each at the same time, something impossible with a traditional line chart. Candlesticks are also cleaner than bars charts and make a more efficient use of space. Japanese peoples are always better than everyone at an incredible amount of stuff, look at what they made, the candlesticks/renko/kagi/heikin-ashi charts, the Ichimoku, manga, ecchi...
However classical candlesticks only include historical market price data, and won't include other type of data such as volume, which is considered by many investors a key information toward effective financial forecasting as volume is an indicator of trading activity. In order to tackle to this problem solutions where proposed, the most common one being to adapt the width of the candle based on the amount of volume, this method is the most commonly accepted one when it comes to visualizing both volume and OHLC data using candlesticks.
Now why proposing an additional tool for volume data visualization ? Because the classical width approach don't provide usable data regarding volume (as the width is directly related to the volume data). Therefore a new trading tool based on candlesticks that allow the trader to gain access to information about the volume is proposed. The approach is based on rescaling the volume directly to the price without the direct use of user settings. We will also see that this tool allow to create support and resistances as well as providing signals based on a breakout methodology.
Dekidaka-Ashi - Kakatte Koi Yo!
"Dekidaka" (出来高) mean "Volume" in a financial context, while "Ashi" (足) mean "leg" or "bar". In general methods based on candlesticks will have "Ashi" in their name.
Now that the name of the indicator has been explained lets see how it works, the indicator should be overlayed directly to a candlestick chart. The proposed method don't alter the shape of the candlesticks and allow to visualize any information given by the candles. As you can see on the figure below the candle body of the proposed tool only return the border of the candle, this allow to show the high/low wick of the candle.
The body size of the candle is based on two things : the absolute close/open difference, and the volume, if the absolute close/open difference is high and the volume is high then the body of the candle will be clearly visible, if the volume is high but the absolute close/open difference is low, then the body will be less visible. This approach is used because of the rescaling method used, the volume is divided by the sum between the current volume value and the precedent volume value, this rescale the volume in a (0,1) range, this result is multiplied by the absolute close/open difference and added/subtracted to the high/low price. The original approach was based on normalization using the rolling maximum, but this approach would have led to repainting.
You have access to certain settings that can help you obtain a better visualization, the first one being the body size setting, with higher values increasing the body amplitude.
In green body with size 2, in red with size 1. The smooth parameter will smooth the volume data before being used, this allow to create more visible bodies.
Here smooth = 100.
Making Bands From The Dekidaka-Ashi
This tool is made so it output two rescaled volume values, with the highest value being denoted as "Dekidaka-high" and the lowest one as "Dekidaka-low". In order to get bands we must use two moving averages, one using the Dekidaka-high as input and the other one using Dekidaka-low, the body size parameter should be fairly high, therefore i will hide the tool as it could cause trouble visualizing the bands.
Bands with both MA's of period 20 and the body size equal to 20. Larger periods of the MA's will require a larger amount of body size.
Breakout Signals
There is a wide variety of signals that can be made from candles, ones i personally like comes from the HA candles. The proposed tool is no exception and can produce a wide variety of signals. The signals generated are basic ones based on a breakout methodology, here is each signal with their associated label :
Strong Bullish signal "⇈" : The high price cross the Dekidaka-high and the closing price is greater than the opening price
Strong Bearish signal "⇊" : The low price cross the Dekidaka-low and the closing price is lower than the opening price
Weak Bullish signal "↑" : The high price cross the Dekidaka-high and the closing price is lower than the opening price
Weak Bearish signal "↓" : The low price cross the Dekidaka-low and the closing price is greater than the opening price
Uncertain "↕" : The high price cross the Dekidaka-high and the low price cross the the Dekidaka-low
In order to see the signals on the chart check the "Show signals" option. Note that such signals are not based on an advanced study, and even if they are based on a breakout methodology we can see that volatile movement rarely produce signals, therefore signals mostly occur during low volume/volatility periods, which isn't necessarily a great thing.
A trading tool based on candlesticks that aim to include volume information has been presented and a brief methodology has been introduced. A study of the signals generated is required, however i'am not confident at all on their accuracy, i could work on that in the future. We have also seen how to make bands from the tool.
Candlesticks remain a beautiful charting technique that can provide an enormous amount of information to the trader, and even if the accuracy of patterns based on candlesticks is subject to debates, we can all agree that candlesticks will remain the most widely used type of financial chart.
On a side note i mostly use a dark color for a bullish candle, and a light gray for a bearish candle, with the border color being of the same color as the bullish candle. This is in my opinion the best setup for a candlestick chart, as candles using the traditional green/red can kill the eyes and because this setup allow to apply a wide variety of colors to the plot of overlayed indicators without the fear of causing conflict with the candles color.
Thanks for reading ! :3 Nya
A Word
This morning i received some hateful messages on twitter, the users behind them certainly coming from tradingview, so lets be clear, i know i'am not the most liked person in this community, i know that perfectly, but no one merit to be receive hateful messages. I'am not responsible for the losses of peoples using my indicators, nor is tradingview, using technical indicators does not guarantee long term returns, your ability to be profitable will mostly be based on the quality and quantity of knowledge you have.
Reversal finderThis script is used to visually highlight candles which may signal a reversal following a false break of a support or resistance level.
Inputs are:
Lookback period: look for the highest high and the lowest low of the prior x bars.
SMA length: used for a simple moving average of the range (high minus low) of the prior x bars.
Range multiple: used to filter out signals for any bars with a range smaller than the average range of the preceding bars (determined by SMA length above) e.g. a range multiple of 2 will only show signals for bars with a range twice of that of the average range of the preceding bars.
Range threshold: used to filter signals for bars both the open and close of the bar are at the extreme end of the bar e.g. a threshold setting of 33% will only show buy signals for bars which open and close within the upper 1/3rd of the bar’s high/low range (vice versa for sell signals). This helps highlight, for example, bars with a high which exceeds resistance in a current range but which close back inside the range.
Highlight signal bars?: This will highlight bars with a buy signal in green, sell signal bars in red, and all other bars in grey. The script was designed for use with a dark background, so you will need to play around with the bar colours in the style settings to suit your preferences.
Settings used in the example chart are not the default – they are lookback: 5, SMA length: 20, range multiple: 1.2, range threshold: 33%.
OBV Traffic LightsThe idea with On-balance volume (OBV) is to see price movement based on volume instead of the distance between the open and close of a candle. This can be used to find the relationship between volume and price action much easier than normal volume bars.
This version spices the OBV up a bit by basing it off of the current and previous close of the Heikin Ashi of the current bar, as well as adding "traffic light"
moving averages to the mix to get a better grasp of trends and when volume has shifted direction as well as by how much.
Thanks to Peter Whipp for the original idea of using the OBV with traffic light moving averages, as well as the default settings for them.