Volatility Based Momentum Oscillator (VBMO)There is a frequent and definitive pattern in price movement, whereby price will steadily drift lower, then accelerate before bottoming out. Similarly, price will often steadily rise, then accelerate into a climax top.
The Volatility Based Momentum Oscillator (VBMO) is designed to delineate between steady versus more accelerated and climactic price movements.
VBMO is calculated using a short-term moving average, the distance of price from this moving average, and the trading instrument’s historical volatility. Even though VBMO’s calculation is relatively simple, the resulting values can help traders identify, analyze and act upon many scenarios, such as climax tops, reversals, and capitulation. Moreover, since the units and scale for VBMO are always the same, the indicator can be used in a consistent manner across multiple timeframes and instruments.
For more details, there is an article further describing VBMO and its applicability.
Elder's Force Index Function (with source)TradingView has built in functions for RSI, Momentum, and many other oscillators. Why the source isn't available for Elder's Force Index is beyond me. To me it's one of the Holy Grail indicators. This is EFI indicator with a simple function inside the source code. You're can easily copy this function into any study(indicator) or strategy that uses built-in oscillators, as a replacement.
Example using EFI instead of RSI in built-in Divergence Indicator:
//Discord: Sheldon#7775
//Server: discord.gg
Pullback Trading [Fhenry0331]The indicator is taken from Alexander Elders "Triple Screen System," minus using the Weekly MACD as a filter/trend. I believe waiting for the force index and the weekly MACD histogram to line-up is uber conservative and a trader will miss too many signals (In my opinion).
The indicator is for a pullback trader. A trader that waits for a trend to develop then enters on a pullback.
The indicator defines an uptrend start: as the 13 ema crossing above the 26 ema. It defines a downtrend start: as the 13 ema crossing below the 26 ema.
The pullback in an uptrend: 13 ema is above the 26 ema. Elders-Force-Index is below the zero line. Price low has crossed below the 13 ema (one can also say price closes below the 13 ema if they so wish).
The pullback in a downtrend: 13 ema is below the 26 ema. Elders-Force-Index is above the zero line. Price high has also crossed above the 13 ema.
Please note that the pullback signals do not necessitate an automatic buy or sell (the instrument can be still pulling back deeper and not ready to resume it's trend.) One should place orders above (long) or below (short) bars with the pullback signals. Do so on signals until orders are filled.
Although the indicator is meant for pullbacks one can make an aggressive entry at the onset of a crossover of ema's.
For clarity background colors has been added to the indicator.
works well on daily time frame. Also look at intraday (5) minute time frame on trending stocks (news, earnings, volume, etc.)
Keep It Simple.
Cumulative Force IndexVolume indicator adapted from Elder's Force Index.
From here:
[RESEARCH] Quasi White NoiseQuasi White Noise script.
An experimental approach to implement a white noise using Pine Script. Uses Connors RSI under the hood.
Elder's Force Index Double combined by iduThe idea is to see Elder's force index smoothed EMA in different time frame simultaneously.
Default intervals are (2) and (13)
Base on samuel16 script.
Colored Williams %RThis script is the same as Williams %R except that on green days we plot green and red on red days. If a bar opens and closes the same, we plot black.
TRIX Histogram R1-12 by JustUncleLCreated by request.
This study is an implementation of the Standard TRIX indicator (a momentum oscillator), shown in coloured histogram format by default, with optional Bar colouring of TRIX zero cross overs. Other options include showing TRIX as a line graph instead of histogram and an optional TRIX signal line with difference histogram (to highlight signal line crosses).
"TRIX MA" by munkeefonix
PPO Divergence AlertsThis is a pretty straightforward script that adds alerts to Pekipek's excellent PPO Divergence indicator and changes the visuals a bit. You can have the alerts fire on these events:
Purple Circle (bullish signal)
Orange Circle (bearish signal)
Green Dot (High Point)
Red Dot (Low Point)
I use this on daily Forex charts to get alerts when purple or orange dots show. As you can see, it catches a lot of big moves, some of which can give insane returns if you're 200x leveraged on the likes of 1Broker.com. In regards to reducing false signals, I'm getting good results with a Williams %R but would love to hear any suggestions.
Edit: Oops. Box #6 in the example should be yellow, not purple.
WaveTrend with Crosses [LazyBear]LazyBear's wavetrend oscillator enhanced with wavetrend cross visualization on the indicator as well as with bar color highlights.
DecisionPoint Price Momentum Oscillator [LazyBear]The DecisionPoint Price Momentum Oscillator (PMO) is an oscillator based on a Rate of Change calculation that is smoothed twice with custom exponential moving averages. Because the PMO is normalized, it can also be used as a relative strength tool.
PMO can be used in many ways:
- PMO can be used to determine the OB/OS state. While the +2.5 to -2.5 is the usual range for broad stock market indexes, each price index will have its own “signature” range. You may have to tune this for your instrument.
- PMO triggers buy/sell on signal crossovers and ZERO crossovers.
- Common patterns like BullKiss, BearKiss are useful to track. See the link below for more info.
- Divergences.
- Histo-only mode that can be used similar to MACD-Histo.
I have exposed all params as configurable. Have fun tuning :) Don't forget to share what you found for your instrument.
More Info:
List of my public indicators: bit.ly
List of my app-store indicators: blog.tradingview.com
Some Sample Charts:
Ehlers Smoothed Adaptive Momentum [LazyBear]Bored of Ehlers yet? :) I still have plenty of Ehlers in my collection, was thinking of publishing one of his Fishers or Adaptive RVI next, but @ChartArt requested Smoothed Adaptive Momentum (SAM), so here we go...
This is my 200th script (not including the variations and other custom scripts I shared over PM). My complete list of indicators here - bit.ly
Now, about the indicator :)
This smoothed adaptive momentum is straightforward to use (per Ehlers original rules). If it crosses above zero buy the next open, if it crosses below zero sell the next open. Of course, I strongly suggest filtering the signals.
Finally, here's an Ehlers-only chart to help determine where BTC is heading :P
More info:
- Ehlers CG Oscillator:
- Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures (Ehlers)
List of my public indicators: bit.ly
List of my app-store indicators: blog.tradingview.com
--Updated chart--
Here's the chart with barcolors ON (forgot to turn it on in the published one)
Absolute Strength Index Oscillator [LazyBear]This oscillator is derived from Absolute Strength Index, originally developed by Tudor Marcelin (Art Invest).
I made it an oscillator mainly to make it easy to identify the divergences and price-flows. There is not much documentation available online for Absolute Strength Index afaik, lets hope Mr.Tudor comes across this and provides us a detailed writeup :)
Quick testing showed lots of good signals (with minimal lag). Let me know what you guys find in your testing.
Indicator options support coloring bars based on the oscillator/signal values, and a histogram-only mode.
List of my public indicators: bit.ly
List of my app-store indicators: blog.tradingview.com
Composite Momentum Index [LazyBear]This is a composite oscillator derived from modified 5/10/20 Chande's Dynamic Momentum Index values.
Volatility is factored in, by design. Look for OB/OS extremes and divergences.
I added the green/red ribbon look to make it easy to read :)
More info:
List of my public indicators: bit.ly
List of my app-store indicators: blog.tradingview.com
Firefly Oscillator [LazyBear]This is a modified version of a public Amibroker indicator, called Firefly.
I disabled the additional smoothing (you can enable it via options page) and updated the visual rendering (simple 3D look, histo, bar colors et al). Also, have added an option to show enclosing BB.
You can trade this like any other oscillator -- 80/20 OB/OS levels, divergences, ...
Here's a chart showing some possible customizations that are supported:
Do let me know what you guys think.
List of my public indicators: bit.ly
List of my app-store indicators: blog.tradingview.com
Belkhayate Timing [LazyBear]--- Update April 11, 2015 ----
I have merged in @TheMighyChicken's code (Thanks!) and added some more options. Updated source here - pastebin.com
- Switch between plain candles and colored oscillator candles.
- Switch between candles and plain oscillator view.
--- Original Description ---
Belkhayate Timing, by Mostafa Belkhayate, is very famous in the Forex groups. This is a port from one of the MT4 versions available. If you have used this in other platforms, do let me know if this looks compared to those.
The usage is similar to that of ValueChart (). The middle area is the centroid or neutral area, the shaded regions (red/green) are extreme and beyond those are AlertZones. This seems to be used in conjunction with his other indicators, but, in my limited testing, I have seen this give a lot of good signals, especially on divergences.
Indicator allows coloring bars based on the oscillator position or show oscillator histogram (Check the options page).
No Oscillator Smoothing:
@TheMightyChicken Can you do your candle magic on this oscillator too, just like you did for ValueChart? :)
More Info:
List of my public indicators: bit.ly
List of my app-store indicators: blog.tradingview.com
UCS_TTM_Wave A & B & CThis is a replica of TTM Wave A B C.
The ABC Waves are comprised of various moving averages and oscillators (MACD) used to visualize the overall strength and direction of a given market across multiple time frames.
The “A Wave” measures short term relative strength and direction of a market, the “C Wave” measures longer term strength and the “B Wave” plots the same for a medium time period.
Here is the link to the ACTUAL Indicator - members.simpleroptions.com
Instruction -
Load the Indicator three times, Turn Off the Other two Waves. For eg., Wave A - Check / Wave B - Uncheck / Wave C - Uncheck. = This will plot Wave A.
McClellan Oscillator [LazyBear]Developed by Sherman and Marian McClellan, the McClellan Oscillator is a breadth indicator derived from Net Advances, the number of advancing issues less the number of declining issues. Subtracting the 39-day exponential moving average of Net Advances from the 19-day exponential moving average of Net Advances forms the oscillator.
As the formula reveals, the McClellan Oscillator is a momentum indicator that works similar to MACD.
McClellan Oscillator signals can be generated with breadth thrusts, centerline crossovers, overall levels and divergences.
I have added the following options:
- Can choose Advancing/Declining issues of any market. Default is NYSE.
- Can show the EMAs and/or oscillator.
- Ratio Adjusted Calculation mode (as explained in the stockcharts link below) or default mode.
- Can use custom timeframe. Default is chart timeframe.
More info:
Complete list of my indicators:
Thanks @mpinky for pointing out the StockCharts version of this oscillator.
LBR OscillatorOscillator used by Linda Bradford Raschke.
Basicly it's a MACD with 3/10/16 settings but without the histogram (difference between fast and slow line), instead the shown histogram is based on the fastline (green bars = fastline above zero). The color of the lines will tell you if the line is falling (red) or rising (green).
In terms of setups dont just buy or sell if a line is changing its color. Look for divergences or setups like first cross or anti.
UCS_Top & Bottom CandleThis is an experimental Indicator based on Momentum. Picks the Top & Bottom Candle for most Swing. Please post your opinion or suggestion to improve this indicator.
I have not back tested this completely. This is recently developed Indicator.
UCS_Squeeze_Momentum-Optimized_AlertSqueeze Momentum - Alert Indicator.
Set alerts for as many bars as you like. For reference on how to set alerts, please watch the video from Chris Moody, Link - videos.tradingview.com