Infiten Slope StrategyThis model is an index fund trading model, which uses moving averages and price percentage oscillators to minimize downside exposure.
プライスオシレーター (PRO)
Aggresive Scalper/Swing Crypto StrategyThis is a simple yet very efficient scalper long strategy adapted for low timeframes for crypto. Can also be used with bigger timeframes as a swinger.
Its main components are:
Price oscillator swing
Risk management for TP/SL
Rules for entry
We calculate the difference between the oscillator from the lowest low and the highest high. If the difference is positive, its a long potential. If its negative we exit from the long trade.
At the same time we check that the we have a crossover between the VIP vortex with the VIM vortex part.
Lastly we check that the current candle is bigger the second previous high.
Rules for exit
If we reach the take profit or the stop loss.
If we have a negative difference betwee LL and HH and VIP vortex crossunder with VIM vortex .
In this example I aimed for a 1:10 risk reward ratio, meaing that for every dollar lost, we will gain 10 when we win. Thus having a 10% minimum win rate will give us a profit over many trades.
If you have any questions, let me know !
Dynamic Price SwingFinally, a price channel oscillator that works.
I programmed three flavors into this.
The first flavor uses the Fast and Slow EMA to check for the trend to ensure you don't trade in the wrong direction simply because the price crosses the previous highest high or lowest low (based on lookback bars).
The second flavor uses a seven point average of the Fibonacci bands to create an upper and lower central channel for quick trades (like DOGE).
The third flavor uses the golden Fibonacci ratio of 1.618 and trades when the price moves above or below this band.
PPO Bull/Bear Divergence to High/Low StrategyA simple strategy that uses the PPO divergences to open trades and the highs/lows to close them. Credit to Pekipek for this PPO Divergence indicator (I changed the visuals a bit)
Purple circle - bullish divergence - enter LONG
Orange circle - bearish divergence - enter SHORT
Green dot - high point - exit LONG
Red dot - low point - exit SHORT
That's it. Not very profitable, but I like Pekipek's indicator a lot so figured I'd see what a strategy was like. Would love to see any variations.