Surface Roughness EstimatorIntroduction
Roughness of a signal is often non desired since smooth signals are easier to analyse, its logical to say that anything interacting with rough price is subject to decrease in accuracy/efficiency and can induce non desired effects such as whipsaws. Being able to measure it can give useful information and potentially avoid errors in an analysis.
It is said that roughness appear when a signal have high-frequencies (short wavelengths) components with considerable amplitudes, so its not wrong to say that "estimating roughness" can be derived into "estimating complexity".
Measuring Roughness
There are a lot of way to estimate roughness in a signal, the most well know method being the estimation of fractal dimensions. Here i will use a first order autocorrelation function.
Auto-correlation is defined by the linear relationship between a signal and a delayed version of itself, for exemple if the price goes on the same direction than the price i bars back then the auto-correlation will increase, else decrease. So what this have to do with roughness ? Well when the auto-correlation decrease it means that the dominant frequency is high, and therefore that the signal is rough.
Interpretation Of The Indicator
When the indicator is high it means that price is rough, when its low it indicate that price is smooth. Originally its the inverse way but i found that it was more convenient to do it this way. We can interpret low values of the indicator as a trending market but its not totally true, for example high values dont always indicate that the market is ranging.
Here the comparison with the indicator applied to price (orange) and a moving average (purple)
The average measurement applied to a moving average is way lower than the one using the price, this is because a moving average is smoother than price.
Its also interesting to see that some trend strength estimator like efficiency ratio can treat huge volatility signals as trend as shown below.
Here the efficiency ratio treat this volatile movement as a trending market, our indicator instead indicate that this movement is rough, such indication can avoid situation where price is followed by another huge volatile movement in the opposite direction.
Its important to make the distinction between volatility and trend strength, the trend is defined by low frequencies components of a signal, therefore measuring trend strength can be resumed as measuring the amplitude of such frequencies, but roughness estimation can do a great job as well.
I have showed how to estimate roughness in price and compared how our indicator behaved in comparison with a classic trend strength measurement tool. Filters or any other indicator can be way more efficient if they know how to filter according to a situation, more commonly smoothing more when price is rough and smoothing less when price is smooth. Its good to have a wider view of how market is behaving and not sticking with the binary view of "Trending" and "Ranging" .
I hope you find a use to this script :)
Best Regards
IO_Volatility Quality Zero LineThis is the Volatility Quality Zero Line Indicator. This indicator measures volatility strength.
Delta longs-shorts. BITFINEX:BTCUSDFor any timeframe. Use for the BTC/USD pair. It is calculated by the formula: longs - shorts. Used data from Bitfinex. To smooth the values, you can use the EMA embedded in the indicator.
SMA Trend Bias IndicatorThis indicator is mainly used to quickly determine the trend of the market, so you can trade with the market and not against it.
This will also tell you when The Golden Cross/Death Cross has occurred.
Ehlers Decycler OscillatorThis indicator was originally developed by John F. Ehlers (Stocks & Commodities , V.33:10 (September, 2015): "Decyclers").
The idea is still the same as for the Simple Decycler.
Mr. Ehlers suggested to virtually eliminate lag by getting rid of the very low-frequency components. So, he applied the high-pass filter to the simple decycler.
Mr. Ehlers recommended to use two instances of the Decycler Oscillator with different parameters (high-pass filter period and multiplier). As a result, he got the Decycler Oscillator pair.
The first oscillator (red line) has a period of 125 bars, the second one (yellow line) has a period of 100 bars.
The interpretation is straightforward:
When the yellow line crosses over the red line, a trend reversal to the upside is indicated.
When the yellow line crosses under the red line, a trend reversal to the downside is indicated.
MTA-Traling StopIntroduction
Based on my previous indicator , this indicator plot a trailing stop using classic conditions.
Using The Indicator
Like any trailing stop when price is higher than the trailing stop this imply a buy signals, when price is lower than the trailing stop this imply a sell signal. It is possible to use decimals instead of integers for length as shown here :
length = 14.7
The indicator tend to react faster to price movements when a trend has been really long, this methodology is similar to the one used by the parabolic sar.
Lack of robustness with the length parameter, the behaviour of the trailing stop can be hard to predict. There is a real need for control.
The indicator can be adaptive, even if it already is in a certain way, by changing the alpha variable at the start considering that 0 < alpha < 1. Its not recommended to use it right now except for testing/coding purpose.
It is clear that i'm not enthusiast when it come to this script, there is a real lack of accuracy, i still hope it can be of use.
Motion To Attraction ChannelsIntroduction
Channels are used a lot on technical-analysis, however most of the them rely on adding/subtracting a volatility indicator to a central tendency indicator, sometimes the central tendency indicator can even be replaced by pure price. A great channel who does not rely on this kind of architecture is the Donchian channels or the quartiles bands. Here i propose a channel similar to the one made by Richard Donchian with some additional abilities.
The Channels
In my indicator, Motion To Attraction mean that the movement of an object a attract an object b , but we can resume this approach by saying that the longer a trend period is, the smaller the distance between each channels, for example if the price create a new highest then the lowest will move toward this new highest, each time coming closer. The philosophy behind this is that the longer a trend is the more probable it is that she will end.
The code reflect it this way :
here the parameter controlling the channel A (upper)
c = change(b) ? nz(c ) + alpha : change(a) ? 0 : nz(c )
this is traduced by : if channel b move then the parameter c become greater, if channel a move then reset the parameter , the parameter d do the same.
c is used to move the channel A, when c < 1 A is closer to the highest, when c = 1 A is in a central tendency point, when c > 1 A is closer to the lowest.
Slaving the Movement
It is possible to have a better control over the channels, this is done by making c and d always equal or lower than 1. Of course it could be another max value selected by the user.
In order to do that add c1 and d1 as parameter with c1 = c > 1 ? 1 : c , same with d1 but replace c by d.
Its safer to do this but i prefer how the channels act the other way, i will consider implementing this option in the future.
This channel indicator does not rely on past data thanks to recursion. The alpha variable at the start can also be adaptive, this let you make the channels adaptive even if such idea can add non desired results. Low length values can create effects where the lower channel can be greater than the higher one, this can be fixed directly in the code or using the method highlighted in the Slaving the Movement part.
SuperTrendThis is a redesign of the SuperTrend indicator. It removes stupid transitions between SuperTrend states and highlights initial points for both lines.
SuperTrend is a moving stop and reversal line based on the volatility (ATR).
MACD-DEMA Trendless Indıcator Series-1I Try to eliminate the trend of the stock to see a clear version of the indicators. If you have any idea about that topic, you can send a message to me and we can improve this idea together.
RSI of MAI Try to eliminate the trend of the stock to see a clear version of the RSI. If you have any idea about that topic, you can send a message to me and we can improve these idea together.
Instantaneous Trend [Ehlers]A low lag, trend follower for higher timeframes.
This works great as a tool to filter trades from oscillators or to provide a general trend direction.
You can also trade off the color changes, though I must recommend using timeframes higher than 1H.
The 6 Line Death PunchIf you are looking to discover what trend you are in, you need to first what direction the price is going in...
I've been using and testing a mixture of EMA's and SMA's for a long time and I've found that these ones are by far the best.
MA 20
EMA 55
MA 100
MA 200
EMA 3 & 8 Crossover is a good method for confirming a coin going to the upside or to the downside.
EMA 8 is known as the Trigger Line (trademarked brand) as one of the fib numbers it shows good support or resistance of a trend.
MA 20 universal way of seeing trend direction in the stock market, works well with crypto too.
EMA 55, another trusty fib number. Works very well and could trade off that alone as support and resistance.
MA 100 and MA 200. Long ranged moving averages which govern the overall longer-term trend.
Option 1 - 3/8 crossover
Option 2 - Candles above EMA 8
Option 3 - Candles above MA 20
Option 4 - Candles Above EMA 55.
Option 1 - 3/8 crossover
Option 2 - Candles below EMA 8
Option 3 - Candles below MA 20
Option 4 - Candles below EMA 55.
Multi SMAPlot all of the most important SMA values.
SMA 5, 8, 13 are based on Fibonaci values and frequently used in day trading frequently.
SMA 50, 100, 200 are important support/resistance lines.
Especially, SMA 50, 100, 200 are the most important support/resistance on BTC 1W. Dont forget to look at the weekly prices when trading :)
Three Inside Down Strategy This is a three candlestick bearish reversal pattern consisting of a bearish
harami pattern formed by the first 2 candlesticks then followed by down
candlestick with a lower close than the prior candlestick.
- This script to change bars colors.
Adaptive Bandpass Filter [Ehlers]This is my latest bandpass filter - used to determine if a security is in a trend or cycle.
Now with an adaptive period setting! I use Ehlers in-phase & quadrature dominant cycle measurement (IQ IFM) method to set the period dynamically.
This method favors longer periods which tend to produce smoother, albeit laggier bandpass oscillator plots. From my quick tests, I tend to have lag between 4 and 8 bars, depending on the Timeframe.
The lower timeframes tend to have more noise and thus produce more interfering frequencies that may cause lag.
Source: Select the data source to perform calc's on (close, open, etc...)
Period: Select the period to tune. Periods outside of this value will be attenuated (reduced)
Adaptive: Enable to have the I-Q IFM set the period for you (disables Period setting)
Bandpass Tolerance: Allow periods that are plus/minus the chosen period to pass.
Cycle Tolerance: Sensitivity of cycle mode. Lower values consider trends more frequent, higher values consider cycles more frequent.
Bandpass tolerance example: for instance, if this setting is 0.1 (10%) and Period is set to 20, then waves with a period of 18 - 22 will pass.
>How to read
Red line is the bandpass output, showing a lagged version of the dominant cycle representing the
Black lines are the upper and lower bounds for a cycle
Green Background indicates an uptrend
Red background indicates a downtrend
Efficient Auto LineMore Efficiency
Based on the Auto-Line code, the Efficient Auto Line aim to provide a more controlled adaptivity of the indicator. The first indicator of this sort worked this way : when the absolute difference between the price and the indicator is higher than the previous indicator +/- A pips of amplitude, the indicator will display the closing price, else its anterior value. The second indicator (Auto-Line) was adaptive and used the standard deviation instead of a constant A . This indicator will run both methodology providing both a trend strength indicator (Efficiency Ratio) parameter and two constant parameter.
The length parameter will control the period of the efficiency ratio, a high period return lower values of the efficiency ratio. Since its an indicator in a range of (0,1) we use it to make our indicator more adaptive in trending market, this is when we need our two constant parameters, the fast/slow parameter can be any amount of pips where fast < slow , when the price is trending (efficiency ratio close to 1) the indicator will use the fast parameter, if its ranging (efficiency ratio away from 1) the indicator will use the slow parameter, then it will work like the first methodology previously explained. So the fast parameter should be equal to a small movement of pips (0.0001 or 1 pip) and the slow parameter should be equal to a number of pips you wont expect to see in a ranging market. At this point it is good to test for both parameter and see which values work better (a more automatic process is in development) .
Hope you like it !
Volume ImpactVolume Impact (The area)
Average Volume (The thick line, xTrigger)
Volume Impact = Volume Chance - Average Volume
It provides very reliable buy sell signals. Buy(green) when increasing, sell(red) when decreasing. Volume Impact might drop before the actual price so it has an early warning potential.
Before trend changes volume average diverges from the prices. It moves reverse to the prices.
Also before trend changes, volume impact peaks diverges from price peaks. So you know a big drop is coming.
Klinger Volume Oscillator inspired this indicator... This data is there but it is more difficult to interpret.
In summary, you can foresee trend changes.
ADX +- DiThis Adx +-Di is just a complete version of what the ADX is supposed to signal.
So you have:
15 (contraction), 20 (threshold), 30 (expansion), 40 (resistance) levels.
Below 20 the price is not trending
Above 30 the price is trending
Below 15 price has been in contraction for too long
Between 20 and 30 price is in a "transition zone".
I finally added a "Resistance" level (40), which has to be adapted to best represent the historical levels where price usually encounters resistance, and where the price can be declared "overtrending", which means a return to lower levels is likely to happen.
I've chosen mild colors, and set the Adx Color to White, because I use black background, you can easily change that.
LINEdicator - Trendanalysis toolThis indicator creates an trend channel based on an EMA/SMA combo and a Parabolc SAR indicator.
Watch for the peaks and the size of the red/green channel for possible trend change.
Can also be used as an Entry/Exit/Stop-Loss setting tool.
STOCHASTIC-RSI / RSI AREASAn easy Stochastic-RSI and RSI combined to show oversold and overbought areas.
market phases - JDThis indicator shows the relation of price against different period ma's.
When put in daily Timeframe it gives the 1400 Day (= 200 Weekly) and the 200 ,100 an 50 Daily.
The lines show the 200,100 and 50 ma in relation to the 1400 ma.
#NotTradingAdvice #DYOR
CryptoCoyns MACDS [v2018-12-10]CryptoCoyns MACDS
This indicator implements a standard Moving Average Convergance / Divergance
that works on any chart timeframe. It shows the strength of the current trend.
MACD Crosses are highlighted with yellow circles to make them more obvious.
Strength is indicated by histogram colours moving from Red (weak) through to Light Green (strong):
Red indicates a strong down trend
Yellow indicates a positive change is coming and moving out of a downtrend.
Green indicates a weakening upward trend moving towards a change to a downward trend.
Light Green indicates a strong upward trend
All colours are fully configurable.
If you get some value out of this indicator please consider making
a small donation to my favourite charity the Save the Children's Fund.
Every donation will make a difference to the lives of children.
All donations over $2 are tax deductible. You can donate here:
Copyright (c) 2018, Grant Cause aka CryptoCoyns