It didn't seem to be a lot, which is good and bad news.
Bad news is people started to react and took profits. Good news - high chance of another offering in the future, where they more than likely are anticipating a higher $$ per share.
Based on action over the last few days - MACD about to cross and lower volume, I think we'll still see a dip. Hoping we find support at the SMA20 and start seeing consolidation for another run up.
I'm in around $10 and will buy shares if we stay above the SMA20 and are in the $8 range.
First sell target is $12 and then will see how it runs.
Here fishy fishy. Feeling good about this upward movement. We may be retesting $10.20 soon and then $11.
Watching to see what happens over the next few days.
Following the trend as I suspected. I will reduce my position at $12 to lock in some profits but will be letting this sucker ride for a bit.