New triangles to Crash through the floor of, plus Psychology

Son BTC is a larger thought bubble of the market, a lot of little thoughts blending with bigger thoughts, but no real world data to back it up.. So I've been basing all my theories on human emotions with 0 context to profitability.

The thing is.. right now alot of people are selling, based on graphics. Sure there might be a chunk of people who bought 1% of their salary weeks or months ago, and forgot about it.. I forgot I had a cryptocitty there for a while.

Then there are people who are market manipulators, who can afford to buy 10x my salary and lose it all, just so they can make the price jump up or down.

And why wouldn't you, If you had a spare 100k, and could dump a stock, which would bring the price down 5%, but the market would crash a little and bring the price down another 5%, and you can now buy 500k 10% cheaper than before, knowing that the price will climb back up in 1-2 weeks, especially if your 500k buy prompts a rush, and viola in a month you just made 50k, maybe 100k.. why wouldn't you..

And since this market is all about lots of little fish, feeding at the mouths of those whales, some accidentally get chomped by the whale, who isn't even aware of the little fish, some grab some tasty scraps of the whales leftovers.

So whats going to happen? has the price dropped enough for everyone to panic sell and bring it down further? or are those big whales about to buy in now its 20% down and bring the price back up.. and its just before christmas and everyone is thinking its going to be another boom like last year, so maybe, just maybe we should all buy in now while the price is low?

Ha, thats what the whale wants you to think, just before he dumps another 100k, to bring it down even further, hoping to panic the market down to BTC 3k, so he can buy a few million and ride it up to a billion.
