
Bitcoin found support at the edge of abyss. For how long time?

Since last review on Bitcoin it has dropped under $ 6'000. However, it has found a significant demand on the minimums since November 2017 and has managed to resist drop staying in narrow corridor under $ 6'600. So, there is a feeling of games limitation of both bears and bulls. The assumption about summer holidays has found its realization. For growing up to $ 7'000 and higher there is a need for active competitive demand and relevant bulls idea. For going under $ 6'000 there is a need for capitulation of Bitcoin holders and retreat of buyers who seem to be major and to support the market. It does not seem that any of option mentioned above will come to life before August-September. When and if it happens we will see the exit from corridor of $ 5'600 - $ 6'600. We monitor the situation.

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