It is just so obvious... Anyone that looks at this chart will see it.
Boy oh boy was the complacency phase slow and boring, but well, we knew that from the past examples.
From March to August... 6 months... crazy. And FX as well as commodities that haven't done anything the past 2 months. Any trader that got into trading joined in the most boring environment possible. Personally I was trading Buttcoin back in March April (started in 2017), but it was so boring I switched to FX, and then FX started being boring too HAHA. Is my whole career going to be defined by that traumatizing moment where everything was sideways/bottoming/in complacency/etc?
Bitcoin could go up now, I was expecting it, but it could disapoint me once again on the bull side, just as it has in the past, and not even go up to 8500.
It will take 1 year to go down, with alot of noise. I do not know if I will profit from it.
I guess I am joining the club of Warren Buffet and Bill Gates and will say "if I could short it simply, for example buy an option on it, I would".
I know 100% where it is going, but there are no easy way to short it, so sadly, not much do do here.
UNLESS it goes to 8500 or 10.000.
Unless the old people I mentionned thought, I won't avoid it totally.
Once it starts clearly trending down, it should be possible to join the fun. Right now if you short it at 7000$, you are gambling as it could go up anywhere from 8500 to 12000. Just going to have to wait for confirmation...
Special ending words: TECHNICALLY, complacency ended when the monthly inside candle broke bearish. People always get scammed when that happens, and "investors" are really slow and never admit they are wrong, so it was obvious it would take time, I bet on it going up for longer, but I gave up on that idea... Maybe it will who knows, don't want to risk it again. I do not know where to short Bitcoin if it does not go back up...
The only good entry short will be when we get something like this:
And making the rectangles transparent, this is what happened. Pretty nice right?
I should have trusted my own math and went all in short on 8500. Wait I think I did but closed quickly. Oh whatever. Sure you can short at any price let's say 7000$ till it gets to 1000$ or less and make big profit but your capital is frozen for a whole year... Don't we want to at least try and outperform 80% in a year? Rollover would be pretty big too... Idk how big but pretty big right?
Still same idea as 2014. Test support 3 times, bounce 3 times, 3 tops. Also going at about the same speed.
EXCEPT, where is our very last move up, before the big drop? Are exchanges waiting once again for everything to seem hopeless to pump the price? That's their job, manipulating the price 247 and making sure as little people as possible profit from it.
This could be the top. Let it just crash already.
Let me try something...for fun... If this blatant scam does exactly this, there is something very wrong:
Made a new idea to follow the next few days.
Going up is still possible, but on the larger scale, BTC just made yet another lower high.
Similar to gold, except gold bounces were all as strong, Bitcoin is much more bearish. See how much gold dropped after support was lost. Gold is as old as human civilisation, and has intrisic value. Bitcoin is pure speculation, and on the chart it is much more bearish ===> We can expect more downfall. Is 3 digits really too harsh? Ultimately Bitcoin goes to 0 unless the code gets changed entirely, but that will not be the next year, probably.
If you are wondering, no the linear chart does not look better. Not better at all.
From low to high:
From previous ath to new high:
Cannot do the same for 2011, I do not know where to start.
I could show literally thousands of examples, but here's a good one:
In the next few weeks, this could happen:
Still waiting for a bounce... Why has it not bounced yet? So heavy.
Other possibility????
If you have not noticed the trendline that goes back to 2011, here it is:
Trying to draw it more precisely:
Looking at 2018:
There is no way we lose that trendline without a big fight. But if and when we lose the trendline, oh my.
If you can find me a single interview about crypto like this one, and not yet another BS full of stereotypes and the usual speach targeted to weak minded people and made to trigger their emotions, I will admit I was wrong about crypto & become a Bitcoin bull.
I do not think there is anything about blockchain either. Just too innefficient and has no value.
Look, the best material on earth is graphene, its light super strong etc. Yet, it is still not used. Why? It is just not good enough for a mass adoption. It is not "so much better" than everything else that it is worth it to make the switch.
The blockchain is just like graphene, except it is not better than a regular database, has several flaws a regular database does not have (51% attacks for example), and is super expensive :)
Hard to find much about people that were in disbelief back then though, they did not grow very popular somehow. Just like the shills from 2017 will do, they disappeared...
Read more about the complacency phase at every single crypto twitter shills in the past 6 months.
Here I explain why cryptocurrencies are NOT an investment simply using the definition of what investing and comparing crypto to see if it can somehow fit the definition:
There is no official definition of investing, as the english language does not have an academy or similar.
This is what most dictionaries give as definition:
To put (money) to use, by purchase or expenditure, in something offering potential profitable returns, as interest, income, or appreciation in value.
Stocks: pay earnings and appreciate in value as companies are profitable. Currencies: No value, but pays interests. Bonds: pay interests.
Crypto: No interest, no income, no appreciation in VALUE. Some greater fool willing to pay more is not an increase in value. Now, a possible increase in value would be when developpers improve the code. But still, the value will always be 0 as this is a currency. It does not produce anything. NO value and NO interest = NO return = NOT an investment, but rather a greater fool type of gambling WHETHER THE CRYPTO CULT LIKES IT OR NOT. If they really want me to call crypto an investment, they will have to change the definition of the word.
There are very few crypto's that actually pay interest, such as NEO (they pay with a different worthless token that has its own life and cannot be described in a percent of the main token), so personally I think these are not investment either, but there at least could be a debate there. NO debate on most crypto that clearly are not an investment.
"But it went up 2000% in price you idiot" said the emotional cryptoer that cannot comprehend logic, rigour, basic language skills, mathematics...