
BTCUSD COINBASE SuperTrend Strategy

BTCUSD SuperTrend Strategy COINBASE

This is for traders to help better visualize entry and exits for SHORT and LONG positions. It is designed to help trading within trending markets for optimal gains. This strategy is more for medium to long term and I use it primarily in the background with its own separate balance.

The strategy uses the ATR to act as Stop Loss points and it is advised to not flip the position until the signal states such.

The strategy also uses a 100% Equity per trade, drawback do occur and are sometimes large relative to the account size used. Automated trading allows traders to take a large drawback and immediately enter into the next position without emotions interfering. I recommend anyone to look into this further if emotional trading causes you to panic, freeze, etc.

トレード終了: ストップロスに到達
Signal for SHORT occurred as price reached stop loss.

