I believe in change from the time I was a young boy up to date,That’s Fred Buluku,life always change through struggle and challenges,fundamentals rights for every creatures in this planet applies to struggle,change and acceptance of the situation in the community.
I believe in walking and working to together for change,let children and youths have the rights heard.
Let bright children and youths get access to education,health and clean water.
Let the ones who believe in cultures,indigenous families have their rights to raise their voices to be heard like other families in the world.
Let who ever want to grow economically to be supported by the world families to prosper and help face out illiteracy,equality and poverty eradication to be supported through their projects.
When I entered in the system of crypto currency I had so many hopes in my life and even right now I never believe in failing,I believe that,already I’m heading somewhere with sharing of information and following instructions,it is true I have suffered,but that will never lead me to turn down.
My request to all Investors in the Blockchain and Crypto currency,let’s work together to bring change to this planet,let’s help to create more jobs to the youths,let’s support orphans and children from low income families to get access to education,let us be the role model to the youths.