
Is DGTX going to make the race this time?

Dear fellow readers!

First of all, thank you very much for reading and liking my past two articles, I’m overwhelmed.
The chart presented above represents my complete past with the Digitex Futures Token (DGTX).

I'm not a professional market analyst nor am I a professional trader and this shall definitely not be of any financial advice.
Do your own research and try to understand the fundamentals regarding any investment you take into consideration.
The websites and projects “advertised” are not mine, nor am I in any marketing or affiliate relationship with them.
Personally I am invested into this project, so of course I am biased, that is why I tell you to get educated and do not just put money in anything,
because somebody on the internet is writing good about it, scrutinise critically and if you are more than confident, do what ever you want for your good.

First, I heard about DGTX in the middle of the of February this year. I have been very much excited about the idea of a fee-less futures exchange trading platform
and actually fomoed in almost at the top back in April, hahaha. After the announcement of not having a final product, first I was very pissed, then I started to dig
deeper into DGTX, and actually, whatever happened in the past, I started to find Adam Todd a very sympathic entrepreneur and he actually did well and in detail
explained the whole situation regarding the second failed launch at that time. Shortly, after the second big dump, I had the feeling that this dumping is over now
and I started to average down, because somehow I could conform with Adam Todd’s explanation.

Well, I really like the idea of having a fee-less futures trading platform and actually I like Adam and his efforts, I mean he is really doing everything to build this/ his
platform and make this/ his project a big of a success. In my opinion he just had a very big pile of bad luck in the past or maybe gambled a little bit to much,
but he did not give up, he stood up and iterated through the processes. I mean, since you can believe the news, they had a working product, but buggy as hell and in my opinion,
he absolutely did the right thing to call it of and for restructure. I do think, with the SmartDec Development Team he finally got really lucky to go further with his dream
and that is exactly what was making me so confident back that time for the future plans of this project. The biggest problem in the 2017/2018 ICOs run, in my opinion was the fact,
that a lot of shitcoins exactly, did deliver half-baked projects and therefore I started to believe even more in this project.

In September and October, since I was continuously following the project’s progress and I just tried to blank out the drawdown, since I more and more became confident with the
future of the project, I managed to average it down significantly, with actually less fiat garbage money, than the initial buy :D. Up-to now I am in the greens, that is fine so far,
but my one concern I do have is the release of further tokens, will the price drop again or will it start to rise and rise, hahaha, we will see, I’ll definitely keep you updated.
As far as I can say right now, it really looks promising, the testnet launch so far is very much of a success as far as news and video updates tell. I do honestly think this could
work out this time and actually I am looking forward to some short-term trading on this platform in the future, since I become more and more confident with it.
When you take a deeper look at the chart, actually this is not yet over, as you can see, currently we are struggling to break the 23.8 % fib retracement from the yearly top.
If you draw the same retracement taking the second, much larger dump into account, which in my opinion is the more significant one, then we broke the 23.8 % fib retracement
and got perfectly rejected from the 38.2 %, which almost is the same to the 23.8 % retracement from the ATH.
I think it's going to be very exciting and interesting upcoming time, since the trend is your friend, until the end, aye?

Did I mention, that I really do love the Fibonacci retracement tool, basically since the technical major I was very fascinated by the Fibonacci number, which is also one reason
why I do like Romanesco, besides its delicious taste. Back to the fib. retracement and the fib. number, which does occur by nature, the sunflower’s (helianthus) florets for example
are naturally arranged in a spiral building a Fibonacci sequence, if you did not know that fact yet. Since, these numbers occur by nature itself, I do think that the Fibonacci retracement
can be a very strong and important indicator/ tool.

Thanks for reading, If you are not conform with anything I write, just drop a comment and feel free to start a discussion, I do not want my readers to believe all I
am writing is fixed on stone, I just try to have a view on the big picture and if I am maybe missing anything, I would be glad to take this piece of information also into consideration.

Keep up educating yourself, take your finances in your own hand, short the bankers and long BTC!

I wish you all a very nice weekend

