Grand Theft Auto news N°15

The USA is getting worse, it is the wild west. GTA online that always has server issues must be down? And addicted gamers are going out.
Imagining investing in this country and being bullish on their economy. Haha, regular people trying to be investors.

> Terrorist US media (NBC/CNN) encourages to "continue the violence", world watches in horror 🤯

The media on air told people to keep fighting and be violent if necessary as long as it was needed...

Heard of Africa? Those are the main races:
> West African & Bantu, also known as Niger-Congo A & B (cousins). This is what the majority of African-American are.
> Nilotes: Tall thin & sophisticated. They are the ones that built pyramids (In Kush, NOT Egypt). Win all marathons. Obama father is a Nilote.
> Natives: All the native people of central & south Africa. Pigmes & various "Khoi'San" groups.
> Hamites/Semites: North & East Africans. They're all mixed I think. With Europeans in the North, Africans East. Ilhan Omar.

Heard of Rwanda? The country population was like this:
> An 85% majority Hutu, they are bantus.
> A 15% minority Tutsi, they are nilotes.

To make matters worse, the colonialists when present gave all the "intellectual" and leadership jobs to the Tutsi.
After independance, Tutsi were still more successful. Tensions grew. Hutu felt they were treated unfairly because they were less successful "we are 85% of the population but we hold 1% of high paying jobs" I am making the numbers up here just illustrating it. "All PHDs are Tutsi what about us".
They got convinced that the Tutsi were out to get them, that there was a conspiracy.

The president was the second president since the fall of the Tutsi monarchy 30 years earlier.
And then the Hutu president - totally legit president that got 98.99% of the votes - as well as another Hutu president (Burundi) and entourage all got killed when their plane got shot.
Following this event, Hutu media pastors politicians - mostly via the radio I think - said it was confirmation the Tutsi were against them encouraged the Hutu population to "peacefully protest" and "continue the hard work". It was especially efficient because the Hutu had soldiers and police on their side. Civilians killed by beating with hands feet and sticks, soldiers could just open fire and kill many at once.

An estimated 70% of the Tutsi population of Rwanda got cleansed. As well as some moderate Hutu because "you ain't black if you don't vote for me jack". And then a handful of exiled Tutsi (because the Hutu president was such a legit 99% of votes democratic guy), came back into the country armed, and crushed the psychopaths, forcing the key genocidaires & government to flee to Zaire (Congo).

Today the president, which has helped the country make unbelievable progress (double digit GDP growth) is... a Tutsi.
Rwanda people now hold hands, light candles and sing songs "we are all the same, we are equal, diversity is our strength, this will never happen again".
I give it 50 years at most.

Some people say voting for democrats and giving the terrorists what they want will make all of their worries go away. HAHA!

> Antifa (brainwashed black man) murder a man, they celebrate because he was a patriot aka "nazi" 🤢

Just like in Rwanda... Not on a large scale and not "there" yet. But as always in a distribution (even in time) there are outliers.
And we see signs of what's to come: the GTA wild west! All that happened until now I predicted (not in the details of course), and I see it continue to evolve/worsen.

A black dude from Antifa, that I suspect is convinced he is being treated unfairly "bronze because bad mates" and the "police is out to get me" freaking shot an unarmed man that was praying on his knees.

Antifa psychos in Portland (obviously this is where it happened) told their cult on mic that "it was justified that man was a patriot f***** nazi", antifa celebrated the killing of a Trump supporter.
Videos of both the killing & antifa being happy about it are circulating the web.

> Emotional "Idiots" attack politicians outside white house, including allies, ask them how they feel 🧠

People get mad at me or used to because I act arrogant. But every one is calling them idiots now, even the most polite diplomatic politicians.

Burgers soda and tv really got to americans heads lmao. Maybe they got completely paranoid from being locked at home and not getting their drugs.

After the republican convention at the White House, mobs of angry idiots savagely attacked the guests trying to get back to their hotel, mostly politicians, whites for being racists and blacks for being traitors and "you ain't black jack". There is a video of a tall good looking black couple where little gremlins surround them and yell at them. They asked some guests how they felt, straight up walked 5 cm from their faces and screeched "how do you FEEL" "nono I don't care about your words how do you FEEEEEL FEEEL how does it make you FEEEEEL". I think they are more emotional than logical, not sure why I think this. They would make great investors. I would pay good money to watch them day trade for a few weeks :)

Gee if I ever get surrounded by these simian beasts I'm going full master manipulator Hitler & Musk style. "Oooh I am so sad. But also really angry! I am doing everything I can in the shadows! I have to remain stealthy" (while thinking you dumb apes 😂). During the post french revolution terror I remember a guy said something "I do not use words but I act and I help the revolution with all I can without saying it" or some wordy trick like this. If you have predictive abilities higher than a potato (which is 90% of general pop) you also have to prepare who how to act in last resort. Do not confirm or deny what the paranoid person is thinking but just say you understand their emotions, all that stuff...

Hard to think this is not a stunt by republicans to make the other side look bad. But from experience I know better. They truly do shoot themselves in the leg.

The funniest one, well we can laugh about it because they got away alive, was when the savage mob surrounded and harassed senator Rand Paul & friends.
They shouted his name so they knew who he was. And over time more and more gremlins joined the simpsons mob. Of course as you'd expect they shouted "kill him" and all, and if police was not present (and not on the mob side like in Rwanda) he'd be in big trouble. There were only a few LEO, and the mob kept getting bigger so it could have gotten dangerous (reinforcements didn't make it).

It is truly unbelievable the amount of mental disability in these creatures.
So they yelled at him "say her name Breonna Taylor", he is literally the guy that authored the no knock law they want. Of the entire continent of the USA (Canada doesn't exist), 330 million people + 50 million illegals, they could not possibly have picked a worse person on this 😆

They also yelled at him to say he was in favor of criminal justice reforme of for f sake. He is responsible for 33 criminal justice reforms.
Cop brutality dropped by over 90% in the past 20 years and now they are 99.999% of the time totally justified in the killings or it was a drug addict overdosing all by himself.

Rand Paul is one of us, he is a libertarian (most traders and especially interested in crypto are libertarian I assume?).
Man the libertarian party is going to lose importance in favor of the next fascist one. Idk if this comes to where I live I might change my mind too 🤷‍♂️

Actions need to be opposed by reactions of a similar force.

Rand Paul gave an interview I will quote:

"You can't reason with this mob but I'm actually the author of the Breonna Taylor law to end no knock raids so the irony is lost on these idiots"
"Say you are for criminal reform or we kill you" "You idiot you are so dense".
Yes they are. I am glad so many people are finally saying it and not trying to be PC and diplomatic.
Now the next step: globally recognize that Bitcoin lifesavings bagholders, Robinhood "investors", and retail day traders, are more than just a little dense.

> Global COVID-19 deaths crossed above last year flu (with a vaccine). 843,000 versus ~600,000 🤔

I think the number will go up EOY, in particular in countries that locked people at home. While locking people at home they both:
> Killed a huge amount of seniors in nursing homes
> Prevented the general populations from developing herd immunity (and building defenses in general)

It is looking more and more like it is "just like the flu" (more deaths but there is no vaccine), and not the black plague end of the world.
I was right. Again. As usual.

This is what colds are, there are 3 of them, and in this order:
-> Rhinovirus, most common and least severe
-> Coronavirus, in the middle
-> Influenzavirus, least common and most severe

By EOY there might be 1.5-2 million deaths.
In Europe people are getting it again. In the world the chart is flat at the top for now.
Gee, it's as if locking people at home was stupid, and masks are dumb?!

> The fake science bubble is sort of imploding. Famous french MDS+ publish "letter of concern" 😬

Scientists including "chloroquine" Didier Raoult, famous in France now, have published a document where they explain that to sum up everything that is taught in a journal is absolute trash and science is a hoax. The journal is the NEJM which stands for something something Journal of Medicine. I think.

"Quousque tandem abutere, patientia nostra?”.
"How long will you abuse of our patience? The biases shown in the studies on the COVID-19 have gone beyond, as in the Lancet for that matter, everything that has been seen so far. Please give us back a journal that we can use for medical education that does not contradict all principles we have used for so many years."

Didier Raoult is a controversial professor that says what he thinks and is recognized in the world.
Well, he is controversial since he said that climate change predictions were absurd and looked like out of a novel.
Just like the Dalai Lama was every virtue signalling clown hero "FREE TIBET HURRAH" until he said Europe was for the Europeans and became controversial.
Don't see the Daila Lama on tv much anymore do we? Like... ever. But not bias of course. Right.

> Currency pairs started moving powerfully, because of Powell speech or Shinzō Abe demission? 🚀

Thursday-Friday currencies started really moving after a few weeks of consolidation.
Especially the AUD that has been rather choppy for all year (going up but pretty choppy).
Powell speech, or Japanese selling their high interest AUDS?

Lots of USD pairs, AUD, GBP, all moving...

Euro but it was already skyrocketting before, the ECB probably got worried their currency was not going to zero faster than the other ones again so started selling.

September will be a good crazy month, just like last year. GG.
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