S&P 500 Analysis Sars-cov-2 Variant 501Y Outbreak Starting

S&P 500 Analysis Sars-cov-2 Variant 501Y Outbreak Starting, Ultra Tier Lockdowns, Small business Shutdowns, World Government Bureaucracy refusing to allow the free markets to cure or inhibit sars-cov-2 with Natural Products, or other Safe Pharmaceuticals that are researched and have been researched in various medical journals

Does the s&p 500 continue the K shaped recovery? Or will we see markets profit take ahead of this 501Y variant, and use the news of the Variant Mutation to continue the sell off.

Defining mutations:
Has appeared multiple times independently: each can be associated with different accompanying mutations
Amino-acid changes are N501Y (nucleotide mutation A23063T), N501T (nucleotide mutation A23064C), and N501S (nucleotide mutation A23064G)
Mutation is in the receptor binding domain (RDB), important to ACE2 binding and antibody recognition
N501Y is associated with a recently reported 'new variants' in the UK and South Africa:
'20B/501Y.V1' (B.1.1.7) was announced in the South East of England on 14 Dec 2020 (COG-UK Report, Rambaut et al., PHE report)
This particular variant is associated with multiple mutations in Spike, including: N501Y, a deletion at 69/70 (as seen in S:N439K & S:Y453F) (Kemp et al. bioRxiv (21 Dec)), Y144 deletion, and P681H (adjacent to the furin cleavage site).
There is also a notable truncation of ORF8, with Q27* (becomes a stop codon), and mutations in N: N:D3L and S235F.
'20C/501Y.V2' is found in South Africa and was also announced in December 2020 (Tegally et al., medRxiv)
This variant is associated with multiple mutations in Spike, including: N501Y, K417N, and D80A.
There is also an N mutation: T205I.
It does not have the deletion at 69/70.


Molecular docking study of potential phytochemicals and their effects on the complex of SARS-CoV2 spike protein and human ACE2
Hesperidin is a bioflavonoid, a type of plant pigment with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects found primarily in citrus fruit. Oranges, grapefruit, lemon, and tangerines all contain hesperidin, which is also available in supplement form.

“Hesperidin is a promising drug candidate for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19,” NCBI continued. “Hesperidin interferes with viral entry through ACE2 receptors, improves the host cellular immunity, minimizes the release of inflammatory mediators and its mixture protects against venous thromboembolism.”

Take note that the info about Hesperidin has been out in Medical Journals since early 2020

Trend Analysis
