Price action as projected previously is in a 233 days duration from the current high on 7th August 2020
The current structure of the three points ABC form 3 sides of a measured triangle, AB, BC and AC.
Measured in the 3rd dimension unifying price and time, these sides are the vector magnitudes of the swings.

Vector AB = V(AB) = 331.03 units
V(BC) = 198.09 units
V(AC) = 191.09 units
These 3 sides form an isosceles triangle with BC and AC as the sides and AB the base,
that also means the points A,B and C are the 3 vertices of the first structure formed in the corrective pattern.

By observation, BC and AC are not perfectly equal, however if we find the average of the two sides:
(198.09 + 191.09) / 2 = 194.59 units
then: 194.59 * 1.707 = 332.16 units
332.16 is approx = V(AB) = 331.03 units

Then we can model our triangle such that the ratio of sides to base is 1 : 1.707
The base AB took 115 days which is approx. half of our projected 233 days
Time axis of AB, 115 days in rotation forms price axis AC, 115.8 points
115 is the golden section of the primary square in this current market, 186.7 X 188 square
BC took 37 days, remaining 81 days from the projected 233 days, 81 and 115 are in the ratio 1 : 1.4142
81 and 115 days forming two alternate down swings and being in a ratio 1 : 1.4142

The current support at 1769 lies on the golden ratio curve or the spiral,
within the growth structure price is currently between two boundaries, 1822 and 1689 price levels
between this boundary we have the golden section at 1739 price level as the next stronger support

The golden section at 1739 and the triangle ABC furnishes us to conveniently project the extent of the correction to cover a magnitude 409 units in advance taken into account the projected 233 days pattern and the change in price from 2075 to 1739 price levels.
Thanks and check back

