Hindalco Industries (Ascending Tri BO)

#Stock : #Hindalco Industries
#Chart Time Frame: #Daily
#Structure : #Breakout on #Daily basis of #Ascending #Triangle and #Previous #High with Decent #Volumes

On #Daily Time Frame the Stock has given a Good #Breakout with decent #Volumes of #Ascending Triangle Pattern which is a #Bullish Pattern and also of Previous High
So stock looks good for long as per the levels mentioned below:

#CMP - 455.55 or BoD 412
#Target 1 - 493
#Target 2 - 541
#Target 3 - 590
#SL - 380

#Holding Time Frame - #Short to #Medium Term

All charts & studies posted here are only for #EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE
Chart PatternsdhirubhaitapanpokarTrend Analysis
