Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation

Date 15.09.2024
Timeframe : Day chart

Current Moving Average Spread As On 13/09/2024
20 Ema = 935 = Immediate trend
60 Ema = 958 = Short term trend
200 Ema = 926 = long term trend

Price action on 13/09/2024 (Friday)
Open = 936 = 20 Ema
High = 957 = 60 Ema = Resistance
Low = 935 = 20 Ema = Support
Close = 936 = Near 200 ema / Support & Breakdown area

Candlestick = Formed Gravestone Doji

Trade Set-up :
1 Short , Once goes below 200 ema & second level of breakdown when goes below support zone of 915 which also means its breakdown of consolidation

2 Keep 20 ema as stoploss & trail, target one is previous days high or 60 Ema. More bullish when crosses Gravestone Doji's high.

