
Chainlink $2000 USD by start of 2024 if the USD trend continues.

I believe Chainlink is Hyper undervalued. Just look at all the news, partnerships e.c.t for link in the past few years. Last year LINK network Total value locked increased by 10x yet the price is still the same? Eric Schmidt joined LINK as a strategic advisor, you know the former CEO of google that turned it from a small start up to the biggest tech company in the world? He said LINK could change how all of SOCIETY works. This isn't just another shitcoin or another L1 smart contract platform. This is revolutionary technology, the fact that so many people are sleeping on it only INCREASES the speculative potential gains of people buying link NOW. Also CityBank came out and said it straight that LINK has the potential to be bigger than bitcoin. I believe this is a understatement. I believe Bitcoin will be proven to be a fad and the REAL value of blockchain, the future money of the Internet will be Chainlink and the LINK token respectively.
Just think for a second, without link it is IMPOSSIBLE for a quadrillion dollars worth of financial derivatives to be transferred onto smart contracts for greater profitability and efficiency and trustlessness. Now consider what the price of LINK tokens needs to be to collateralize the trust component of hyper smart contract derivatives. A 1 trillion USD derivative contract needs to have 1 trillion USD of LINK in collateral AT MINIMUM just to make it not game theoretically viable to fuck with the data going into the smart contract. Chainlink is a global truth machine that will fundamentally ulter how human beings conduct contracts with one another.
