TON Coin (The Open Network Coin) and NOT Coin are distinct entities with no direct connection. TON Coin was developed by Telegram as part of the Telegram Open Network, designed for high transaction speeds and scalability using "sharding" technology, and continues to be developed by the community. In contrast, NOT Coin does not refer to a widely recognized cryptocurrency and lacks a clear definition or prominence, making it potentially a niche project token or a hypothetical example rather than an established entity.
you can see ton coin analysis here:
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the area broke down!
#notcoin #not #notusdt
💥it is on the way to touch the first predicted area:
#not coin after doing a 30% pumping since yesterday, broke the descending channel!
トレード終了: 利益確定目標に到達
the 0.0139 area was a great area to close your position!
I did not take more risk and closed my selling position there!
as I said before: I prefer toncoin!
the blue chart is toncoin and the orange one is notcoin!