NTR, Mother Nature Vs. Potash

*Rough 2019 for Potash and hence Nutrien
*Downtrend in RSI & Price for most of 2019 and touching support
*Nutrien's 2020 guidance is positive, but I am skeptical because....
*Unpredictable weather is starting to become common and in 2019 it was
*For example, corn farmers in the US farm belt received so much rain, it greatly affected their yield
*USA - China trade war (might be resolved soon, maybe)
*China building up inventory supply at tide water to get more leverage in contract negotiation
*Potash Production Tax Credit cut in 2019 by the Saskatchewan government
*However, in the medium to long term people need to eat and with millions of people being lifted out of poverty and into better circumstances, demand for potash will be there
*Will be adding on further weakness

fertilizerTechnical IndicatorsNTRnutrienpotashTrend Analysis
