
OXT/USD Pitchfork

Bouncing this off an idea from a friend.

OXT has a solid foundation, and unlike other altcoins, it seems its growth is more sustainable, partly supported by significantly lower gas fees through the xDai blockchain. Edward Snowden backing, pay per use model and customizable user experience makes this an interesting altcoin for medium hold.

Should be interesting to see how this scenario plays out. Strong resistance at the 0.92 and $1.00 levels. After that, who knows.

Will be interesting to see how it acts close to the 1.2-1.25 level as many have pointed out as the next high, given that this rally hasn't played out in the pump and dump fashion in which the previous ATHs were observed.
Bounced perfectly off the lower trend line. Continues to move closer to a decision point in the next 2-3 weeks.

