Renueco, failed to submit annual report 2023

There always an arguement about which come first - TA or FA?

As chartist, TA might be my first indicators to trade.

There's a news about RENUECO failed to submit the annual report 2023. Before the news out, the price already show tomorrow news today.

Whether shall we collect now? Personally won't buy red. Let it drop and have proper signal, will be the option for me to EP.

Good luck to those dare to collect red.

Buy and sell so you can sleep better at night. But if you lose your sleep after you buy or sell. Then have to evaluate why you buy or sell....🤔

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Please be informed that all stocks pick are solely for education and discussion purpose; it is neither a trading advice nor an invitation to trade. For trading advice, please speak to your remisier or dealer representative.

