Nearly doubled, in the Three Days, Since i posted This. Target Very-Much Achieved! Sell, or even better Put in trailing Stops.
Congratulations guys! we had the #1 Stock on the Nasdaq, today.
Freaking Amazing!
Geesh, This One, exceeded ALL of my expectations, in Every way.
It, Literally, went off the Chart, from when I Posted it!
トレード終了: 利益確定目標に到達
Oh my God, $18 dollars to $70, In the Blink-of-an-eye. Sell this constant money-Maker now or very Soon even if you had the trailing-stops put in. I honestly Couldn't Ask for more, From a stock! 38% just the Last Month, Alone! Uber BLESSED.
A More than 5 Fold Gain!!! $17 ------> All-the-Way-to $100 dollars for those of you using Trailing Stops. #Amazing!
Peaked, at the Absolute high Just five trading days later