The RSI can help determine how far the correction can go

With the US continuing to increase interest rates and potentially being in a recession, it was surprising to see markets perform so well last week. However, with Powell seemingly inferring a softer stance, the S+P charted a decent rally.

Technically we continue to view the rebound as a bear market rally that has already reached the 50% retracement of the sell off since April at 4136.

So how far is the market likely to correct? This is a tricky one to answer, but I like to look at any convergence of resistance and Fibonacci retracement and the 9-period RSI can give vital clues.

When I look at the S+P I can see the June high at 4177.51, the 61.8% retracement at 4254 and the 200-day ma at 4344. With an RSI already at 71, my feeling is that the market will fail ahead of that 200-day ma!

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