
Monthly Cycle in SPY is Hard Down

All bull markets end. After a nearly TEN YEAR run higher for the S&P 500, all the cards are saying that a substantial correction is underway:

1. The Fed Reserve is removing liquidity from the US financial system ('QT' or quantitative tightening')
2. The monthly cycles in all US stock indexes are ALL pointing DOWN.
3. Key volume-based support levels are at least 10% below current price levels in all of the stock indexes.

Strategies to consider:

A. SHORT all rallies
B. Sell your stocks and move to cash, Bitcoin and precious metals
C. Patiently wait until the monthly cycles confirm a low; likely in March/April 2019.

Keep your eye on the US Dollar, too; methinks a US Dollar crisis will catch many unawares. Russia, China, Iran and several other nations are setting up a 'non-Dollar' worldwide financial system, and at some point massive inflation (1970s -style or even worse) will be in vogue again. Prices in the US doubled between January 1, 1970 and December 31, 1979, and something even worse could be afloat, if the entire world progressively abandons the Dollar.

