
Does The Bottom Will Shout "YES..!!! I’M TRIPLE BOTTOM" or not ?

FX:XAUUSD   金/米ドル
In my mind, each extremely critical support will definitely have a special construction and maybe we can see from the accident of 2002 as one that can be used as an example case. As one example in this regard is the SPX and SPY when it crashed in 2002 (it's just sample).

Because at this time, the construction of the bottom which is built by gold is almost the same as the SPX (my.jetscreenshot.com.../20140924-xe3q-163KB) and SPY (my.jetscreenshot.com.../20140924-xi6y-110KB) when it crashed in 2002.

On the other hand related to The Oldest period of time to seek the next lower takes 2 years in a bull market, perhaps gold accident from 1970 to 1980 (my.jetscreenshot.com...3/20140924-gph0-98kb) can be used as one of the example case of period of time.

In addition to the period of time, The Youngest also informs that the price is not likely to fall too far as expected by The Oldest (around $ 1,070/$ 975), this is because the average achievement of a decrease in bull markets, according to the information of The Youngest is around 45% from the peak .

With the approach of 45% average achievement of decrease, then I tried to measure the drop in gold prices in 2008, began the 2008 high ($1,032) and ended in 1999 Low ($252), and the results show that the decline in 2008 was 45%, or around $681. Then I tried to measure the average achievement of a decrease in the price of gold for the year 2011, starting from 2011 high ($1,921) and ended in 1999 low ($252), and the result is around $1,170 (45%), closer to the point of $ 1,179 at the bottom of #2 (+- $10 different).

Finally, related to the tendency of The Youngest in the region closest to the $1,180 Extremely Critical Support, which gives the possibility of a trend change information in the near future, one possibility is to form a triple bottom. In the last 3 days, price movements was relatively flat may be used as one of the indications and if the closing price at the end of Sept 2014 (minimum this week) can be maintained closed above $1,215 (min. above $1,230 and ideal above $1,240) may triple bottom will tend more potential.

all this is just an indication, whether through in time the bottom will shout "YES...!!! I AM TRIPLE BOTTOM" or not.

From The Desk Of A Newbie
