Free money! CPI news tomorrow, bull or bear, 830a eastern.

Greetings Traders. Tomorrow on Thursday October 13th, 2022 is the CPI earnings report. This release happens at approximately 8:30am eastern time. However, market movement will be starting early tonight, premium collection territory.

The YM1! e-mini dow jones futures will show plenty of chart movement.

I have marked the chart. no requirement for a stop as the chart will satisfy within the purple range and touch the purple lines, all that's required is time. Once the purple line has been touched at anytime on the chart then the market has satisfied that portion of the move, that move is now marked as complete. Both purple lines will be touched, there is a lot of liquidity where the market would like to go and its marked by the purple ellipses on the chart. The purple lines also represent a 1 deviation move from the days average mean in either direction which didn't happen yesterday. Its very likely both lines at 29461 and 29165 will be touched at least once by Thursday market close late tomorrow.

Plenty of volatility for bulls and bears tomorrow! Starting Wednesday evening.

トレード終了: 利益確定目標に到達
Both targets satisfied by 8:35am eastern this morning. Thursday 10/13
Trend Analysis
