This indicator shows you when suitable trend conditions are in place for high probability trades in the direction of 1-hour down to 5-minute trend.

- Red color indicates bearish trend
- Blue color indicates bullish trend

- 1st row (starting on top) is 1h trend - indicates that price is above (blue) or below (red) 365 WMA on 1h timeframe.
- 2nd row (starting on top) is 15min trend - indicates that price is above (blue) or below (red) 365 WMA on 15min timeframe.
- 3rd row (starting on top) is 5min trend - indicates that price is above (blue) or below (red) 365 WMA on 5min timeframe.
- 4th row (starting on top) is a combination of rows 1-3. It shows when row 1-3 are in line for high probability long or short trades.

- When the 4th row is colored RED, it means that the conditions for sell (short) trades are in place.
- When the 4th row is colored BLUE, it means that the conditions for buy (long) trades are in place.
- When the 4th row is colored GRAY, it means that there is indecision between buyers and sellers, the market is in process of rolling over or consolidating. This means that there are no favorable conditions for ICC wave trading and you should stay out of the market until there is a clear direction.
Trend AnalysisWeighted Moving Average (WMA)


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