Monthly Withdrawals [racer8]

This calculator tells you the maximum monthly withdrawal you can make based on amount of equity you have, your strategy's average annual return, and the maximum percentage reduction in monthly return that you are okay with. There are 3 parameters: $ Equity, % annual return, and % of return reduction. With these 3 parameters, it will calculate $ monthly withdrawal. % of return reduction tailors how much as a %, you want to withdraw from monthly returns. % of return reduction is a good approximation for annual % reduction in returns.

I built this calculator because I wanted to find a way to withdraw every month without hurting my portfolio's returns too much. This is very useful if say you are a full time trader, and you rely on trading for monthly income. Keep in mind that the bigger the withdrawals are, the higher the % reduction in annual returns will be for your portfolio. Also keep in mind that this only applies to profitable strategies with positive annual returns. The purpose is to make small withdrawals every month so that your trading account can still grow at a reasonable pace. Enjoy :)


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