
Ghost Vision II

GhostVision アップデート済   
Price action zone — above(green) and below(red) the line is an indication of where the price action is currently at you can also identify the current direction and strength by using the mountains.

Column colors provide feedback with three colors blue, green and red. They have an important function in which they tell you what you shouldn’t be doing against momentum and strength.

GhostVision II — Will answer you for the following questions:

Should you be looking for long or short opportunities?

What is the direction of the current trend?

How strong is the direction of the current trend?

The current trend in a divergence?

Did the trend direction change or about to?

I’m allowed to go short or long now or wait?
Update theme colors for better visibility

このスクリプトへのアクセスは作者が許可したユーザーに制限されており、通常はお支払いが必要です。お気に入りに追加することはできますが、許可を申請して作者が許可した後でなければ使用することはできません。 詳細については GhostVision にお問い合わせいただくか、以下の作者の指示に従ってください。





注: アクセス権をリクエストされる前にご覧ください