BenTrading - Downsweep+CM

This indicator can gives an alert when a candle purges a 3- or 4-candle swing low but closes above it (1). It can also give an alert when a candle closes above the last 3- or 4-candle swing high prior to the sweep (2).

How to:
1. Add indicator to chart chart of your desired timeframe
2. Right click indicator and "add alert
3. Decide the conditions for when you to be alerted (sweep or sweep+CM) and specify to be alerted on "candle close only"
4. Double click the chart and the indicator-window will be closed. (The indicator window has no value and should not be visible/taking up chart space)
bmsbmsrtoraidsfpsweepsweepsTrend AnalysisVolume


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TradingView does not suggest paying for a script and using it unless you 100% trust its author and understand how the script works. In many cases, you can find a good open-source alternative for free in our Community Scripts.


DM twitter @B3nWhittaker


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