The thick lines represent ADX . When the volatility increases, it faces up and the color changes from gray to green. When the background is gray and starts to turn green from below the horizontal line of reference value of 20, the volatility increases, indicating that the environment is becoming easier to trade.
When ADX rises and then peaks out, the line goes down and the previously green line changes to gray. This means that the trend that was going on before is now over.People who hold positions use them to sign off their hands. Also, those who want to see the trend change and build a new position with a backstop can use it to sign their entries.
When the background is gray (due to the deterioration of ADX ), it indicates that the volatility is low, there is no value width, and the direction is unclear, so it's not a good time to trade.
The two thin lines, red and blue, are DMI.A red line at the top and a blue line at the bottom indicates that the buying power is dominant, and the gap between the two lines is painted red. On the other hand, if the blue line is up and the red line is down, it shows that the selling power is superior and it is painted blue.
When the two ADX lines intersect, and the color between the lines is changing from red to blue or blue to red, it indicates that the buyer's advantage has changed. You can look at when the line crosses, and then enter in the new direction of dominance and build a position. You can also determine that your position is in line with the market flow if it is in line with your current predominance. However, in the opposite case, it suggests that the position you have is not in the right direction.
When two DMI lines are crossed frequently, it indicates a range or random rate. In such cases, the background is often gray, indicating that it is difficult to make a profit in trade.
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Can now be displayed on 15-second, 30-second, and monthly legs.
The background color has been changed to make it easier to sense conversions.
The name of the indicator has been changed.
The background color of the second legs has been corrected. The relationship between the three short-term moving averages displayed on the second leg is now correctly reflected.