Wig20 Sentiment

The WIG20 index is a price index of the largest listed companies on the GPW/WSE. The index value is calculated based on the turnover and share prices of the 20 largest listed companies. The initial index level on April 16, 1994 was 1,000 points.

Wig20 Sentiment script is merging data from different Wig20 contract sources and calculates constant sentiment prediction for +2 months and +9 months.

This script can be used by ANY user. You DO NOT NEED to have PRO or PREMIUM account to use it.

This script is a part of a bigger package called "Wig20". In that package we have:
Wig20 Volume - Chart showing volume/cash flow on Wig20 index.
Wig20 Volume Stats - Volume statistics compared with similar periods in history.
Wig20 Sentiment - Wig20 sentiment in +2 and +9 months time period.
Wig20 Expectation - Wig20 expectations in +2 and +9 months time period.
Wig20 Impact - Script showing expected impact of price change of particular instrument on the Wig20 index.

Script settings:
Sentiment +2m - Settings for chart showing +2m Wig20:
Visibility - Checkbox to show/hide +2m sentiment
* Up - Colors for line and area fill when sentiment is positive
* Down - Colors for line and area fill when sentiment is negative

Sentiment +9m - Settings for chart showing +9m Wig20:
Visibility - Checkbox to show/hide +9m sentiment
* Up - Colors for line and area fill when sentiment is positive
* Down - Colors for line and area fill when sentiment is negative

Contract expiration dates - Hiding/showing contact expiration dates as lines on the chart.
Checking time offset - Checking bar time offset (Checking if bar hours are starting at :00 minutes). In case of some charts quotations are shifted what will affect the chart shape.

In case of any problems, send error details to the author of the script.
GPWsentimentWIG 20wig20index


このスクリプトへのアクセスは作者が許可したユーザーに制限されており、通常はお支払いが必要です。お気に入りに追加することはできますが、許可を申請して作者が許可した後でなければ使用することはできません。 詳細については Investor_R にお問い合わせいただくか、以下の作者の指示に従ってください。



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