
altcoin index oscillator

Compare alt coins to the "altcoin index", an average of a selection of alt coins.
Above zero means the coin you are viewing is worth more than the index, indicating the possibility of overbought.
Below zero indicating the opposite, a possibility of oversold.
Press the cog icon to select which alt coins you want included in the index.

The coins in the index are ALTBTC, meaning their value against BTC. Due to this the indicator is useless when viewing BTC only charts.

TradingViewの精神に則り、このスクリプトの作者は、トレーダーが理解し検証できるようにオープンソースで公開しています。作者に敬意を表します!無料で使用することができますが、このコードを投稿で再利用するには、ハウスルールに準拠する必要があります。 お気に入りに登録してチャート上でご利用頂けます。



//study("altcoin averages")
study("altcoin index oscillator", overlay=false)

curr = security(tickerid, period, ohlc4)

ch1 = input(true, "include ppcbtc", bool)
ch2 = input(false, "include ethbtc", bool)
ch3 = input(true, "include nmcbtc", bool)
ch4 = input(true, "include nxtbtc", bool)
ch5 = input(true, "include xmrbtc", bool)

count = ch1 + ch2 + ch3 + ch4 + ch5

ppc = iff(ch1, security("THEROCKTRADING:PPCBTC", period, ohlc4), 0)
eth = iff(ch2, security("KRAKEN:ETHXBT", period, ohlc4), 0)
nmc = iff(ch3, security("THEROCKTRADING:NMCBTC", period, ohlc4), 0)
nxt = iff(ch4, security("HITBTC:NXTBTC", period, ohlc4), 0)
xmr = iff(ch5, security("HITBTC:XMRBTC", period, ohlc4), 0)

average = avg(ppc, eth, nmc, nxt, xmr)
diff = (curr - average) / (average)
max = highest(diff, 21)
min = lowest(diff, 21)
highestAbs = abs(max) > abs(min) ? abs(max) : abs(min)
osc = diff / highestAbs

over = diff > 0
under = diff < 0

colordef = over ? red : under ? green : white

plot(osc, "osc", color=colordef, style=line)

plot(1, title = "Top Line", color = white, linewidth = 1)
plot(0, title = "Zero Line", color = yellow, linewidth = 1)
plot(-1, title = "Bottom Line", color = white, linewidth = 1)