
S3-Intraday (Sanjay3725)

This script is based on free-float market data of constituent stocks of Index and has been calibrated for Bank-Nifty considering its volatility .

Entry and exits are Plotted on the basis of Price action structures combined with the stock data and can be used as a standalone setup or a trigger system with any exiting strategy based on the user's risk appetite.

Buy = Up triangle with previous candles low as SL

Sell= Down Triangle with Previous candles High as SL

Note: Please Do not use this for any other script than Bank -Nifty and Nifty ( Bank-Nifty has better performance than Nifty )
The ideal time frame for Intraday is 15 min and 5 mins for scalping.

It is imperative to understand that this study does not offer guaranteed profit & Results. It is highly recommended to do paper trades before going live.

Disclaimer:-By using this script you accept that you understand the risk involved with trading and you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite, In no case, the author shall be deemed responsible for any losses or damages incurred.

Use the link below to obtain access to this indicator

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