
Vdub FX SniperVX v1

Vdub FX SniperVX v1
Notes on chart
Please note the Trend directional Buy sell signals generated are configure to be super fast on candle opening. The down side to this is signals may switch direction mid stream.
ITM candlesticks signals generated went 6/300 Losses on a 1 min chart.
the blue line indicates reversal zones. Buy / sell targets are at the next projected line Change TF settings to suit

Sniper series


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//Vdub Binary Options SnipperVX v1 / Vdub Rejection Spike v3 intergration -
//Signal generator for Binary Options / ©Vdubus http://www.vdubus.co.uk/
//Thanks to RS for help with Trend modifications
study("Vdub FX SniperVX  v1", overlay=true, shorttitle="Vdub_SniperFX_v1")
len = 8
src = input(close, title="Source")
out = sma(src, len)
last8h = highest(close, 13)
lastl8 = lowest(close, 13)
bearish = cross(close,out) == 1 and falling(close, 1)
bullish = cross(close,out) == 1 and rising(close, 1)
channel2=input(false, title="Bar Channel On/Off")
ul2=plot(channel2?last8h:last8h==nz(last8h[1])?last8h:na, color=black, linewidth=1, style=linebr, title="Candle body resistance level top", offset=0)
ll2=plot(channel2?lastl8:lastl8==nz(lastl8[1])?lastl8:na, color=black, linewidth=1, style=linebr, title="Candle body resistance level bottom", offset=0)
//--------------------Trend colour ema------------------------------------------------// 
src0 = close, len0 = input(13, minval=1, title="EMA 1")
ema0 = ema(src0, len0)
direction = rising(ema0, 2) ? +1 : falling(ema0, 2) ? -1 : 0
plot_color = direction > 0  ? lime: direction < 0 ? red : na
plot(ema0, title="EMA", style=line, linewidth=1, color = plot_color)
//--------------------Trend colour ema 2------------------------------------------------//
src02 = close, len02 = input(21, minval=1, title="EMA 2")
ema02 = ema(src02, len02)
direction2 = rising(ema02, 2) ? +1 : falling(ema02, 2) ? -1 : 0
plot_color2 = direction2 > 0  ? lime: direction2 < 0 ? red : na
plot(ema02, title="EMA Signal 2", style=line, linewidth=1, color = plot_color2)
//--Modified vyacheslav.shindin-------------------------------------------------//           Signal 1
//Configured ema signal output
fast = input(5, minval=1, title="Signal Generator")
slow = input(8, minval=1)
vh1 = ema(highest(avg(low, close), fast), 5)
vl1 = ema(lowest(avg(high, close), slow), 8)
e_ema1 = ema(close, 1)
e_ema2 = ema(e_ema1, 1)
e_ema3 = ema(e_ema2, 1)
tema = 1 * (e_ema1 - e_ema2) + e_ema3
e_e1 = ema(close, 8)
e_e2 = ema(e_e1, 5)
dema = 2 * e_e1 - e_e2
signal = tema > dema ? max(vh1, vl1) : min(vh1, vl1)
is_call = tema > dema and signal > low and (signal-signal[1] > signal[1]-signal[2])
is_put = tema < dema and signal < high and (signal[1]-signal > signal[2]-signal[1])
plotshape(is_call and direction > 0 ? 1 : na, title="BUY ARROW", color=green, text="*BUY*", style=shape.arrowup, location=location.belowbar)
plotshape(is_put and direction < 0 ? -1 : na, title="SELL ARROW", color=red, text="*SELL*", style=shape.arrowdown)
//Modified - Rajandran R Supertrend----------------------------------------------------- //       Signal 2
Factor=input(2, minval=1,maxval = 1000, title="Trend Transition Signal")
Pd=input(3, minval=1,maxval = 1000, title="Period")
TrendUp=close[1]>TrendUp[1]? max(Up,TrendUp[1]) : Up
TrendDown=close[1]<TrendDown[1]? min(Dn,TrendDown[1]) : Dn
Trend = close > TrendDown[1] ? 1: close< TrendUp[1]? -1: nz(Trend[1],0)
plotarrow(Trend == 1 and Trend[1] == -1 ? Trend : na, title="Up Entry Arrow", colorup=lime, maxheight=1000, minheight=50, transp=85)
plotarrow(Trend == -1 and Trend[1] == 1 ? Trend : na, title="Down Entry Arrow", colordown=red, maxheight=1000, minheight=50, transp=85)
// Moddified [RS]Support and Resistance V0
RST = input(title='Support / Resistance length:', type=integer, defval=21)
RSTT = valuewhen(high >= highest(high, RST), high, 0)
RSTB = valuewhen(low <= lowest(low, RST), low, 0)
RT2 = plot(RSTT, color=RSTT != RSTT[1] ? na : red, linewidth=1, offset=0)
RB2 = plot(RSTB, color=RSTB != RSTB[1] ? na : green, linewidth=1, offset=0)
//===============================Directional Projection=======================================//
tf2 = input('8', title="Trend Projection TF / Mins/D/W")
M2 = input('ATR')
P2 = input(13.00, type=float)
W2 = input(1)
pf2 = pointfigure(tickerid, 'close', M2, P2, W2)
spfc2 = security(pf2, tf2, close)
channel3=input(false, title="Connect Projection High/Low")
p22=plot(channel3?spfc2:spfc2==nz(spfc2[1])?spfc2:na, color=blue, linewidth=2, style=linebr, title="Directional Projection", offset=0)