hi Traders,

The objectives of this script:
1. you can see the Retrogrades schedule at certain periods ((you can double check it in horoscopes.astro-see...rology-calendar-2022)
2. you can see the correlation between the Retrogrades and market reaction

What Is Retrograde Motion?

The astronomical explanation for retrograde motion starts with understanding that the planets in our solar system orbit the Sun at different distances and speeds.
While we orbit the Sun ourselves, we can observe the other planets moving across our sky, following their own paths.

Sometimes, it can appear (from our perspective) that a planet has abruptly switched directions and has started to move in reverse across the sky.
This is, of course, an illusion caused by the position of Earth in relation to that of the planet, since a planet in orbit always travels in one set direction and can’t suddenly reverse course.
This is why we call the phenomenon apparent retrograde motion, as it only looks like the planet is moving backward (“retrograde motion”)!

This Retrogrades script, contains all of Planetary Retrogrades Motion;

1. Mercury Retrogrades ( ≈ 21 days )
2. Jupiter Retrogrades ( ≈ 121 days )
3. Venus Retrogrades ( ≈ 41 days )
4. Uranus Retrogrades ( ≈ 151 days )
5. Mars Retrogrades ( ≈ 72 days )
6. Saturn Retrogrades ( ≈ 138 days )
7. Pluto Retrogrades ( ≈ 159 days )
8. Neptune Retrogrades ( ≈ 158 days )

Here are some examples or Retrogrades:

Jupiter Retrograde

Venus Retrograde

Uranus Retrofrade

Mars Retrograde

Saturn Retrograde

Pluto Retrograde

Neptune Retrograde

What has been will be again, and what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.

(Ecc 1 : 9)

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how to use: 1. click the indicator 2. move it to existing pane above 3. change the color background 4. and you can play around 5. DM me for trial access


注: アクセス権をリクエストされる前にご覧ください