
Madrid Profit Area

This study displays a ribbon made of two moving averages identified by a filled Area. This provides visual aids to determine the trend direction and pivot points. The moving average will be Red if its value is decreasing, and green if it is increasing. When both MA's are the same color we have a trend direction. If those are different then we have a trend reversal and a pivot point.
If combined with another ribbon then it can be configured so we have a pair of slow MA's and another pair of fast MA's , this can visually determine if the price is in bull or bear territory following the basic rules:
1. Fast MA pair above the slow MA Pair = Bullish
2. Fast MA pair below the slow MA Pair = Bearish
3. If the fast MA crosses over the slow MA it is a Bullish reversal
4. If the fast MA crosses below the the slow MA, it is a Bearish reversal.

The use of the ribbons without the price bars or line reduces the noise inherent to the price


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// Madrid : 01/APR/2014 : Moving Profit Area : 2.0 PRO
// This plots two moving averages, either exponential or standard
// When it is declining it shows the MA in red, green when rising.
// This is a visual aid to make sure you're on the right side of the trade

study(title="Madrid Profit Area", shorttitle="MPA", overlay=true)
src = close
fastLen = input(8, minval=1, title="Fast MA Length")
slowLen = input(21, minval=1, title="Slow MA Length")
exponential = input(true)

fastMA = exponential ? ema(src, fastLen) : sma(src, fastLen)
slowMA = exponential ? ema(src, slowLen) : sma(src, slowLen)
colorFMA = change(fastMA)>0 ? green : red
colorSMA = change(slowMA)>0 ? green : red

p1=plot(fastMA, color=colorFMA, linewidth=3)
p2=plot(slowMA, color=colorSMA, linewidth=3)

fill(p1, p2, color=blue, transp=75)