Hashem Helper -Two

Hashem Helper Two

This Indicator contains many indicators and mixture of them.

RSI+MFI = Green and Red Cloud (Above 0 is Green, Below 0 is Red)
StochRSI (K = Aqua, D = Purple)
WaveTrend (Not shown directly but used in the bigger Aqua and Purple Cloud Waves)
VWAP (Volume-Weighted Average Price) = Yellow Cloud Around 0 Line.

The Blue WaveCloud (which is a Fast Momentum) and the Purple WaveCloud (which is Slow Momentum) is the result of the mixture.
Basically when Fast Wave crosses the Slow Wave, It's a setup and the price momentum is probably going to follow the wave as a "Probable Signal". (when cross happen, a Red or Green Circle is plotted on the 60 or -60 Line)
The idea here is that you are looking for a big momentum wave(Purple Cloud), followed by a smaller trigger wave (Blue Cloud).

In addition the Divergences on StochRSI and RSI and WaveCloud are analyzed. This indicator shows Normal Divergences (R) and Hidden Divergences (H) on itself. But the point is YOU with your TA should must that. So it's NOT an "Absolute Signal". Human eye is needed to interpret the false and true signals.

Divergences on StochRSI and WaveClouds are shown with actual Green/Red Lines (R/H) and on RSI are shown with Shapes on the its line.

Bullish Divergence = Aqua Triangle
Hidden Bullish Divergence = Aqua Circle
Bearish Divergence = Purple Triangle
Hidden Bearish Divergence = Purple Circle

When you see these shapes on the RSI, it tells you: Hey, Watch the RSI and Price, A Divergence could be there but it's not confirmed. you need to confirm it with your own TA.

Note that this is a Helper Indicator, NOT a Short/Long Signal Indicator. This should be used alongside with your TA.
Reduced Noises.
Bug Fixes.
Combined with Hashem WaveTrend.
DivergencehashemMFIMoney Flow Index (MFI)Relative Strength Index (RSI)Stochastic RSI (STOCH RSI)Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP)wavetrend


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Without Risk and Position Management, You WILL Lose Money.
