
3D WAVE-PM (3x Res Log 46-200) [acatwithwithcharts]

acatwithcharts アップデート済   
This is an (il)logical extreme adaptation of my (il)logical extreme adaption of Mark Whistler's WAVE-PM script, originally published in his book Volatility Illuminated as a MetaTrader script.

In 3D WAVE-PM, I plotted 32 period lengths from 14 to 600 at height equal to their length, reading out colors based on their value. I chose those lengths to create a relatively continuous indicator on log scale.

What I really wanted to do though was to (1) have the option to view this indicator in either linear or log and (2) not lose as much data resolution across nearly 600 periods. Within the limitations of Pinescript, the best solution I could find was to make multiple indicators hard-coding the different period lengths to create linear and log ranges such that I could make a composite heatmap with several different indicators on the same pane.

This is the 2nd of 3 indicators for log scale 3x resolution WAVE-PM.

I am posting these as invite-only and have a short list of collaborators in mind who will get access if they want it. It is not being made available to the general public as of this posting; I’m vaguely working towards eventually offering being able to offer some sort of paid indicator offering in the future.

Rather than shut the door entirely, I will say that if someone approaches me by PM with a really interesting idea on how they’d like to test this or my other indicators, I’m willing to consider giving access. I’m not giving this away just to anyone who asks and will, for my own time and sanity, probably just ignore requests by people who don't come to me already knowing what this indicator does and how they might want to use it.

I will also say that I am interested in ideas for other applications for heatmap indicators. If you think you have an interesting idea/proposal/collaboration to propose, feel free to PM me.
Updated to change the attribution in the title from “acatwithcharts” to “”.

I'm excited to announce that we're putting the finishing touches on a subscription service for the volatility theory indicators, and assuming no hiccups will launch them within days. Subscriptions will be available in several packages through

Current pricing and subscription details will be kept up-to-date on
Minor update to v4.
Reuploaded the correct version of the script.
I'm making a round of updates to my scripts after testing some of the new Pinescript features and looking for ways to address loading issues that have arisen from changes over the past 6 months or so as to what thresholds cause scripts to fail on the back end.

My volatility-based indicators are available for sale at

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions; more information is available on the SharkCharts website and the SharkCharts discord

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