
5 Period Cycle Seasonality (%)

Slight modification of the work done by crasher (can be found here:

This script shows the average % change instead of the average nominal change of the selected security in the past 5 years.

Upper indicator: script by crasher (see link above)
Lower indicator: modified script by me

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study("5 Period Cycle Seasonality - %")

Period = input(title="Period Cycle", type=integer , defval=252)

LastYear = (close[Period]-close[2 * Period])/close[2 * Period]
TwoYearsAgo = (close [2 * Period]-close[3 * Period])/close[3 * Period]
ThreeYearsAgo = (close [3 * Period]-close[4 * Period])/close[4 * Period]
FourYearsAgo = (close [4 *Period]-close[5 * Period])/close[5 * Period]
FiveYearsAgo = (close [5 * Period]-close[6 * Period])/close[6 * Period]

Offset = Period
LastYearE = (close[Period - Offset]-close [2 * Period - Offset])/close [2 * Period - Offset]
TwoYearsAgoE = (close [2 * Period - Offset]-close [3 * Period - Offset])/close [3 * Period - Offset]
ThreeYearsAgoE = (close [3 * Period - Offset]-close [4 * Period - Offset])/close [4 * Period - Offset]
FourYearsAgoE = (close [4 *Period - Offset]-close [5 * Period - Offset])/close [5 * Period - Offset]
FiveYearsAgoE = (close [5 * Period - Offset]-close [6 * Period - Offset])/close [6 * Period - Offset]

plot((LastYearE + TwoYearsAgoE + ThreeYearsAgoE + FourYearsAgoE + FiveYearsAgoE) / 5, color = #00ff00, linewidth = 2, offset =  Offset)
plot((LastYear + TwoYearsAgo + ThreeYearsAgo + FourYearsAgo + FiveYearsAgo) / 5, color = #ff0000, linewidth = 2)