
Weekly Stock Trend Trading Tool

// Created by TheBullTrader, 2017.
// Hi everyone, welcome to my Weekly Trend Trading Tool with the 50 day and 200 day moving averages
// This indicator scores each stock/ index individually and scores them on a simple scale -1.5 to +1.5
// This indicator has 2 zones: green zone = bullish, and red zone = bearish
// There are 3 plots: green = 50 day sma, red = 200 day sma, and trend signal= teal

// Buying Signal is when the green plot crosses teal plot or AGGRESSIVE Buy = green plot beginning to curve up from bearish zone.
// Sell Signal is when the green plot enters the RED ZONE

// By using this indicator as described, it will help you pick stock bottoms and COULD GET YOU OUT OF A STOCK CRASH!

// Recommendations is to scan this indicator against the top 100 US stocks with a long stock history greater than 10 years.
// I usually find 5-10 really good deals every few months. Slow and Easy way to build wealth. **Thanks for reading**

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