"The Square of nine or Gann Square or Master Chart is also known as the square root calculator and finds it basis from Gann's methods which is squaring price and time. The square of 9 is a spiral of numbers with the initial value "1" starting off at the center. Starting from this central value, the number is increased as we move in a spiral form and in a clockwise direction. According some experts, each cell in Gann’s square of nine represents a point of vibration" - from iSaham website
- Based on Gann Square 9 Table
- Lines act as Support and Resistance
- Lines can also be used as guide for Take Profit or Cut Loss level
- Indicator will plot 8 nearest lines at current price.
Generally, trade will refer :
- Red Line - Stronger Support and Resistance
- Blue Line - Support and Resistance
Notes :
Only suitable for Bursa Malaysia stocks
Currently lines only cover price below RM5
Please pm me if you interested to use :)