
Jurik MA [lastguru]

Finally, the full Jurik Moving Average (JMA) implementation based on the reverse-engineered algorithm by Igor:
Every JMA implementation I've seen is based on the Igor's document. For some reason, many of the implementations, however, are not true to the source. As far as I know, this is the first correct JMA implementation on TradingView (please write a comment or send a message if I'm wrong). As the Igor's document itself is incomplete, however, there is some grey area still...

I should also thank the authors of the current JMA implementations for the inspiration:
@everget: @gorx1:
You can see the comparison with @everget script on the chart above. The parameters are the same. My graph is in yellow.

This script is just an interface for my public libraries. Check them out for more information.

Tips in TradingView Coins are appreciated

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