a) The script detect chart symbol and show corresponding Bitfinex Longs & Shorts (if data exist). b) You select BTCUSD or ETHUSD Bitfinex Longs & Shorts to show on any chart.
Two comparison views...
a) Juxtaposed: longs and shorts in same direction, side by side. (My preferred view) b) Counterposed: longs and shorts in opposite polarity, separated by zero line. Another line is plotted representing the difference.
Script UPDATE!
Added a new option to select the scale (normal or porcentaje), only valid for Juxtaposed view.
// Two modes of use... // a) The script detect chart symbol and show corresponding Bitfinex Longs & Shorts (if data exist). // b) You select BTCUSD or ETHUSD Bitfinex Longs & Shorts to show on any chart.
// Three comparison views... // a) Juxtaposed (with normal scale): longs and shorts in same direction, side by side. (My favorite view) // b) Juxtaposed (with percentage scale): longs and shorts in same direction, side by side. // c) Counterposed: longs and shorts in opposite polarity, separated by zero line. Another line is plotted representing the difference.