Library "ohlc" Library having OHLC and Indicator type and method implementations.
getOhlcArray(o, h, l, c, barindex, bartime, indicators) get array of OHLC values when called on every bar Parameters: o (float): Open price h (float): High Price l (float): Low Price c (float): Close Price barindex (int): bar_index of OHLC data bartime (int): time of OHLC cata indicators (Indicator[]): array containing indicator Returns: Array of OHLC objects
push(this, item, maxItems) Push items to OHLC array with maxItems limit Parameters: this (OHLC[]) item (OHLC): OHLC Item to be pushed to the array maxItems (int): max Items the array can hold at a time Returns: current object
push(this, item, maxItems) Push items to Indicator array with maxItems limit Parameters: this (Indicator[]) item (Indicator): Indicator Item to be pushed to the array maxItems (int): max Items the array can hold at a time Returns: current object
unshift(this, item, maxItems) Unshift items to OHLC array with maxItems limit Parameters: this (OHLC[]) item (OHLC): OHLC Item to be unshifted to the array maxItems (int): max Items the array can hold at a time Returns: current object
unshift(this, item, maxItems) Unshift items to Indicator array with maxItems limit Parameters: this (Indicator[]) item (Indicator): Indicator Item to be unshifted to the array maxItems (int): max Items the array can hold at a time Returns: current object
method getPoints(indicators) get array of points based on array of indicator values Namespace types: Indicator[] Parameters: indicators (Indicator[]): Array containing indicator objects Returns: array of indicator points
method plot(indicator, xloc, line_color, line_style, line_width) plots an array of Indicator using polyline Namespace types: Indicator[] Parameters: indicator (Indicator[]): Array containing indicator objects xloc (string): can have values xloc.bar_index or xloc.bar_time. Used for drawing the line based on either bars or time. line_color (color): color in which the plots need to be printed on chart. line_style (string): line style line.style_solid, line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed, line.style_arrow_right, line.style_arrow_left, line.style_arrow_both line_width (int): width of the plot line Returns: array of plot polyline
Indicator Object containing Indicator name and value Fields: name (series string): Indicator Name value (chart.point): Indicator Value as a chart point
OHLC Object containing OHLC and indicator values Fields: o (series float): Open price h (series float): High Price l (series float): Low Price c (series float): Close Price barindex (series int): bar_index of OHLC data bartime (series int): time of OHLC cata indicators (Indicator[]): array containing indicator
Updated: getOhlcArray(o, h, l, c, highBeforeLow, highAfterLow, lowBeforeHigh, lowAfterHigh, barindex, bartime, indicators) Parameters: o (float) h (float) l (float) c (float) highBeforeLow (float) highAfterLow (float) lowBeforeHigh (float) lowAfterHigh (float) barindex (int) bartime (int) indicators (Indicator[])
push(this, item, maxItems) Parameters: this (Indicator[]) item (Indicator) maxItems (int)
unshift(this, item, maxItems) Parameters: this (Indicator[]) item (Indicator) maxItems (int)
OHLC Object containing OHLC and indicator values Fields: o (series float): Open price h (series float): High Price l (series float): Low Price c (series float): Close Price highBeforeLow (series float): to be calculated based on lower timeframe. high price attained within the candle before reaching the lowest point. highAfterLow (series float): to be calculated based on lower timeframe. high price attained within the candle after reaching the lowest point. lowBeforeHigh (series float): to be calculated based on lower timeframe. low price attained within the candle before reaching the highest point. lowAfterHigh (series float): to be calculated based on lower timeframe. low price attained within the candle after reaching the highest point. barindex (series int): bar_index of OHLC data bartime (series int): time of OHLC cata indicators (Indicator[]): array containing indicator