
Williams Vix Fix + BB & RVI (Top/Bottom) & Squeeze

Legend :
- When line touches or crosses red band it is Top signal (Williams Vix Fix)
- When line touches or crosses blue band it is Bottom signal (Williams Vix Fix)
- Red dot at the top of indicator is a Top signal (Relative Volatility Index)
- Blue dot at the top of indicator is a Bottom signal (Relative Volatility Index)
- Gray dot at the bottom of indicator is a Squeeze signal

This is an attempt to make use of the main features of all 4 of these very popular Volatility tools :
- Williams Vix Fix + Bollinger Bands (as per Larry Williams idea, link )
- Relative Volatility Index (RVI)
- The crossing of Keltner Channel by the Bollinger Bands (Squeeze)

The goal is to find the best tool to find bottoms and top relative to volatility . This is a simple combination, but I find it very useful personally
(no need to reinvent the wheel, just need to find what works best)

The idea is that Williams Vix Fix + Bollinger Bands already give the main volatility bottom and top (Bottom are more accurate).
So instead of trying to modify it, I chose to compliment it by mapping with points when the Relative Volatility Index (RVI) reached the
top/bottom thresholds (red dot means top and blue dot means bottom). That way we can easily see when both indicators find a top or bottom relative
to volatility (of course this needs to be then confirmed with a momentum indicator rally).

In addition, I added the squeeze because this quickly shows the potential breakouts.

For ideas on how to continue this work, it would be very interesting to be able to create a probability of a bottom and top relative to volatility using the
Williams Vix Fix + Bollinger Bands and "Relative Volatility Index" signals as both work well and give top or bottom the other doesn't see.
Added the option to plot 'Half Squeeze' in purple (bottom location), which is when a Bollinger Band crosses only 1 Keltner Channel (upper/lower)
It is off by default but it can be turned on as it is also a sign of Moving Average constriction and a possible breakout.
Updated Chart to make things clearer.
Corrected the Bollinger Band standard deviation bug from original Squeeze script.
Clean up and organize the script.
Cleaned up the code (almost fits on 1 page now)
Clean up
